Akita International University

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AIU in the winter

Akita International University (国際教養大学;kokusaikyoyodaigaku) is a four year public university in the Yuwa district of Akita City.


Originally founded in 1990 as Minnesota State University (ミネソタ州立大学), the college was forced to close in 2003 for financial reasons. Re-opened in 2004 with a focus on liberal arts, the university has so far enjoyed relative success. The university is notable for it's unique requirement that all classes be taken in English and that all students must study abroad for at least one year during their time at the school.

Professors from AIU are regular speakers at the Akita JET Skills Development Conference.


Name Akita International University
Name (Japanese) 国際教養大学
Location Akita City
Telephone ☎ 018-886-5900
Fax 018-886-5910
Website http://www.aiu.ac.jp/en/
Email ✉info@aiu.ac.jp
Address (Japanese) 〒010-1292 秋田県秋田市雄和椿川字奥椿岱193-2
Address Yuwa, Akita-city, 010-1292 Japan

See also