Akita Jet English Contest

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The Akita JET English Contest is an exciting chance to get involved with your school, your students, and Japanese culture. The contest was set up by an ALT and it is entirely run by ALTs. The goal of the AJEC is to promote communication as an integral part of English education.

The contest is set-up to encourage direct communication between ALTs and students, both during the contest itself and during the planning process. This contest is a challenge both for students learning English and ALTs learning Japanese culture.

ALTs and their students practice for several months during the winter in order to prepare for the AJEC video test. The AJEC video test is available to Junior High School First Grade Students and to Senior High School First Grade Students.

Because the Akita JET English Contest is a grassroots effort organized by ALTs, the format of the AJEC test varies somewhat from year to year, but the aim is always the same: The Akita JET English Contest challenges students to improve their conversation skills. Read more...

ALTs interested in participating in the 2009 AJEC should complete the Indication of Interest form and return it to ajec.info@gmail.com.

For more information:

  • ajec.info@gmail.com