Hi, friends! 2 - Lesson 4:Hour 4

From Akita Wiki

Lesson Goals: Ask for and give directions in an easy to understand manner.
Preparation: Picture cards (buildings), textbook cards (buildings, from back of the book), worksheets (map), digital materials, (reflection cards)

Children's activity Teacher's activity Preparation
  • Say hello.
  • Greet the whole class, and then greet a few students individually.
【Let's Chant】 "Where is the station?" p.16
  • Listen to the audio. Chant while looking at the cards.
  • Play the audio and chant while showing the cards.
Picture cards
Digital materials
O Guide your friends
  • Think about how we would give each other good directions. Share ideas with the class.
  • On the worksheets, get the kids to draw their friend's houses, favorite places or even make up their own.
  • Let them know that if they can't say a place name in English then they can use Japanese.
  • Stop the activity halfway through and pick out a good example pair. Emphasize the importance of phrases like "Please" when asking and "Thank you" after receiving directions.
Worksheet (map)
Textbook picture cards
Guide your friends ① Explanation
  1. Get into pairs. One person makes a map with their worksheet and cards without showing their partner. They can also draw their own original place on the spare card.
  2. The other person asks "Where is the ~?" and listens to find out the location. They will place each card on their own map to reproduce their partner's.
  3. Compare maps and check to see if the directions worked. Swap roles and repeat.
O Guide your friends
  • In pairs or groups, hand out the maps that were made. Split into two groups, giving directions and following directions. Get them to give directions.
Picture cards
Textbook picture cards
Guide your friends ② directions
  1. Leaders should make up a town map in advance. Make the town by arranging the desks to make blocks and place the corresponding picture cards on the desks. Hand out a map to each pair/group.
  2. Each pair/group prepares one set of picture cards from the back of the book. The person to be guided chooses one location from the set of cards and asks the guide for directions. Using the town map, the guide will give verbal directions to the location.
  3. The person being guided will follow the instructions and walk through the town to the destination. Once they have arrived they can turn over the card on the table and check they are at the right place.
  4. Take turns until everyone has done both roles.

※Get groups starting from different places and start them at the same time so many groups can participate at once.

  • Reflect back on today's class. Fill out the reflection card.
  • Say goodbye.
  • Reflect back on today's class. Fill out the reflection card.
  • Say goodbye.
Reflection card


Taken from the version released on March 29, 2012.

目標: 相手意識をもって目的地への行き方を尋ねたり,わかりやすく案内したりしようとする。
準備: 教師用絵カード键物),ワークシート(地図),デジタル教材,(振り返りカード)

   巻末児童用絵カード键物:p. 47, 49)
児童の活動 指導者の活動 準備物
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 全体に挨拶をし,個別に数名の児童に挨拶をする。
【Let's Chant】 "Where is the station?" p.16
  • 音声教材を聞いて,絵カードに合わせて一緒に言う。
  • 音声教材を聞いて,絵カードを見せながら一緒に言う。
O 「友達を案内しよう①」
  • 互いに気持ちのよい道案内にするためには,どうすればいいのか考えて発表する。
  • ワークシートに友達の家やお気に入りの場所などオリジナルの場所をかきこむなどの工夫をさせる。
  • オリジナルの場所の言い方がわからない場合は,日本語で言ってもよいことを伝える。
  • 活動を途中で一端止め,気持ちよい道案内をしているペアを取り上げ,気持ちよく道案内をするためには,話しかけるときのExcuse me.や道案内してもらった後のThank you.などの表現や,大事な語を強調して言うなどの工夫があることに気付かせ,後半の活動に生かすようにさせる。
②もう1人が,Where is the ~? と尋ねて,建物などの位置を教えてもらい,巻末児童用絵カードを自分のワークシート
O 「友達を案内しよう②」をする。
  • ペアまたは,グループに作成しておいた地図を渡し,案内される側と案内する側になり,実際に町を案内させる。
巻末児童用絵カー ド(键物)
  • 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 児童の英語を使おうとする態度などでよかったところをほめる。
  • 挨拶をする。


  • 相手意識をもって目的地への行き方を尋ねたりわかりやすく案内したりしている。【コ】<行動観察・振り返りカード点検>

See also

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9
Book 1

1 2

1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

Book 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4-5 6

1 2 3 4
