Present tense

From Akita Wiki

Present positive

Present negative

Present interrogative

There are some differences between the Japanese interrogative and the English interrogative. In Japanese, a sentence is made interrogative by tacking か (ka) onto the end, or by simply tilting your head to the side and raising the tone of your voice. In English, the interrogative requires a little bit of rearranging of the words. Keep this in mind and give your students time to adjust to it. This is especially true for "be" and "do" sentences. The question words (what, which, when, where, who, why, how) are easier to learn, probably because these words exist in Japanese, whereas the helping verbs "be" and "do" do not.

"Be" activities

"Do" activities

Present progressive

This is sometimes called "present continuous".


This is sometimes called "present potential".

See also