South Block Doctor/Dentist Recommendations

From Akita Wiki
IMPORTANT: If you believe that you may have contracted COVID-19 and your symptoms are not immediately life-threatening, do not visit a clinic or hospital. Instead consult with a COVID-19 Consultation Center and follow their instructions.



雄勝中央病院 Ogachi Central Hospital

  • Address: 秋田県湯沢市山田字勇ヶ岡25〒012-0055
  • Phone: 0183-73-5000
  • Taken from Akita Orientation Handbook. While a general hospital, it was recommended for gynecology. Dr. Tsubaki is highly recommended for any pregnant JETs, and speaks good English. This hospital also offers epidurals, which can be rare in Japan. Dr. Sho, who grew up in America, is also available to help translate important/difficult diagnosis.


条里コスモス Jouri Cosmos Eye Doctor

  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 〒013-0060 秋田県横手市条里1丁目10-17 (Yokote)
  • Phone: 0182-38-8881
  • Doctor has good English.

高橋耳鼻咽喉科眼科クリニック Takahashi ENT Clinic

  • Website w/ hours at the bottom
  • Address: 〒013-0037秋田県横手市前郷二番町4-25 (Yokote near the station)
  • Phone: 0182-32-2275 (Often busy, but you can call ahead for an appointment)
  • Doctor speaks English.

山下医院 Yamashita Clinic

  • Gastroenterology (胃腸科) / Proctology (肛門科)
  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 〒014-0023秋田県大仙市大曲黒瀬町3-45 (Across from Lawson, <7 minute walk from Omagari Station)
  • Phone: 0187-63-3328
  • Little to no English. Best solution is to bring all your concerns translated in English and Japanese. Otherwise, best to bring someone with you. They only take walk-ins, so come early.

下山クリニック Genzan Clinic

  • Internal Medicine(内科)/ Surgery (外科) / Gastroenterology (胃腸内科) / Proctology (肛門科)
  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 秋田県大仙市大曲福住町2-23 (5 minutes walk from JR Omagari Station)
  • Phone: 0187-63-5110
  • Only speaks a bit of English, but pretty good about medical terms. Very nice hours for locals (until 5:30 PM most days). No appointment necessary.

池田医院 Ikeda Clinic

  • Cardiology (循環器か) / Internal Medicine (内科) / Pediatrics (小児科)
  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 〒014-0024秋田県大仙大曲中通町4-20 (Mid-way between Gran Mart and Lawson)
  • Phone: 0187-63-3338
  • Only speaks a little English but has convenient hours.

いそべレディースクリニック Isobe Ladies Clinic

  • Address: Jouri Ichoume 1-21, Yokote City
  • Phone: 0182-35-5777
  • Taken from Akita Orientation Handbook. They take walk-ins, and the doctor speaks a little English.


仙北歯科医院 Semboku Dental Clinic

  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 〒014-0114 秋田県大仙市福田穴沢47 (Semboku)
  • Phone: 0187-69-2828
  • Good experiences, not sure about English ability.

小坂歯科医院 Kosaka Dental Clinic

  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 秋田県横手市四日町6-2
  • Phone: 0182-36-4182
  • Great doctor but no English (some people in Yokote have said he does speak English?). They use new technology and they're very thorough. He's a popular dentist so be sure to make an appointment a few weeks in advance.

ほしの歯科医院 Hoshino Dental Clinic

  • Website w/ hours
  • Address: 〒013-0024 秋田県横手市田中町4-34
  • Phone: 0182-32-2344
  • Highly recommended. Did an X-ray, filling repair, and routine cleaning in one visit for about ¥4000.

鳩村歯科クリニック Hatomura Dental Clinic

  • Weekdays 9 AM-7 PM; Saturdays 9 AM-4 PM
  • Address: 〒014-0024 秋田県大仙市大曲中通町8-32
  • Phone: 0187-62-0410
  • Good for dental issues, usually requires multiple appoints but cheap. Also, tries to speak English but much easier to communicate in Japanese with.

守口歯科クリニック Moriguchi Dental Clinic

  • Website w/hours
  • Address: 〒012-0824秋田県湯沢市佐竹町5-1
  • Phone: 0183-73-4646
  • Dentists speak enough English to get by and are very knowledgeable (the head dentist is Vice President of several prefecture dentistry associations). Cleaning and checkup was around 3,000 yen and was done in one visit. Popular dentist so typically pretty busy, but they will work to get you in. Located right next to Power Water, across the street from City Hall.
Health / Medical
V • T
Clinics Doctors and dentistsLadies' Health Clinics
(Recommendations by Block: North Block • Capital Block‎ • Yuri Block‎ • South Block)
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