Taste Adjective Game!

From Akita Wiki

Taste Adjective Game: (Low level activity) This game board is good for 2 - 6 groups. The rules are simple. First, post a giant poster version of this board on the blackboard. Put a magnet character for each group on one of the yasumi 休 (Rest) signs. Give each group a die. Groups take turns rolling and the teacher moves their game pieces around the board. Each group has a list. Whenever they land on a picture they can make a sentence using one of the adjectives to describe the picture. Example: Hot Sauce: "Hot sauce is very spicy." They can then cross out "spicy" on their list. The first group to cross out all the adjectives is the winner! If a group lands on the eraser, then they must replace an adjective they crossed out (use a pencil to cross out words). Each group should also have a copy of the board.

More difficult version: Have students use a given grammar point. For example, "I have never eaten spicy food" or "I prefer spicy food to sour food" etc...



See also