Tom Has to Work on Saturday

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New Horizon English Course 2 (Heisei 5)

Tom Has to Work on Saturday
Word count314
BookNew Horizon
Tom is eating jam in the kitchen. Aunt Polly comes in.
Aunt: What are you doing here, Tom?
Tom: Oh, I'm just going to wash the dishes.
Aunt: Wash your face first. Look at your mouth.
Tom: I can't look at my mouth.
Aunt: Look at your hands then.
Tom: Aunt Polly, I was very hungry, because I ...
Aunt: Because you went swimming. You weren't in school today.
You're a bad boy! You must work tomorrow.
Tom: On Saturday?
It is a warm Saturday morning. Tom is painting the fence around the yard. Ben is watching him.
Ben: Ha! Ha! Today is Saturday, but you have to work, and I won't help you.
Tom: That's all right. This isn't work. It's fun. It's too difficult for you.
Ben: I can do it. It looks easy.
Tom: Oh, no, you can't.
Ben: Come on, I want to try. Please. I'll give you my apple. Look!
Tom: That's a big apple! All right. You can paint just a little.
Tom sits under a tree and begins to eat the apple. Some other boys come along. Everyone wants to paint.
Tom: All right, everyone, but you have to give me something. What will you give me?
John: I'll give you these oranges.
Bob: How about my cat?
Bill: I can give you two old knives.
Tom: All right.
John: Can I paint now?
Tom: Each of you can paint a little.
John, you can paint now.
Bob and Bill, you have to wait.
After a few hours almost every boy in the town has paint on him.
Tom: All right. You all did a good job. Aunt Polly will be here soon, so you'd better go.
All the boys go away. Tom begins to paint again. Aunt Polly comes up to him.
Aunt: You're a very good boy, Tom! You're almost through, and you did a good job.
Tom: May I go swimming in the river then?
Aunt: Yes, you may. You worked hard enough today. You may go swimming or fishing.

Official translation

Taken from the New Horizon's teachers manual.


おば: ここで何をしているの,トム?
トム: ああ,お皿を洗おうとしてるところだよ。
おば: 自分の顔を先に洗いなさい。口を見てごらん。
トム: 自分の口は見えないよ。
おば: それじゃ手をごらん。
トム: ポリーおばさん,ぼくはおなかがすいていたんだよ,なぜってぼくは...
おば: 泳ぎに行ったからだろ。今日は学校へ行ってないじゃないか。悪い子だね! 明日は仕事だよ。
トム: 土曜日に?
ベン: あはは! 今日は土曜なのに,おまえ仕事かよ。手伝ってなんかやらないからな。
トム: かまうもんか。これは仕事じゃないんだぞ。おもしろいことなんだ。おまえなんかには,難しすぎてできないさ。
ベン: できるさ。やさしそうじゃないか。
トム: いやいや,できるもんか。
ベン: いいじゃないか,やってみたいよ。お願い。おれのリンゴあげるからさ。ほら。
トム: 大きなリンゴだな。 よし,少しだけ塗ってもいいぞ。
トム: よし,みんな,塗ってもいいぞ,ただし,おれに何かくれなければだめだ。何をくれる?
ジョン: このオレンジをあげるよ。
ボブ: おれのネコはどうだい?
ビル: ぼくは古いナイフを2本あげるよ。
トム: よしよし。
ジョン: 塗っていいかい?
トム: みんな少しずつ塗ってもいいぞ。ジョン,おまえ先に塗れ。ボブとビル,おまえたちはあとだ。
2,3時間もすると,町のほとんどの男の子が体にペン キをつけています。
トム: よーし。おまえたちみんなよくやった。ポリーおばさんがまもなく来るから,みんな行ったほうがいいぞ。
おば: いい子だね,トム! ほとんどできたじゃないか。しかも上手だよ。
トム: じゃあ川に泳ぎに行ってもいい?
おば: ああ,いいとも。今日はたっぷり働いたからね。泳ぎにでも魚釣りにでも行っていいよ。

See also