Yes/No Race

From Akita Wiki
Try to get "yes" answers from the teacher.
Target levelJHS
(0 votes)
  1. Divide the class into groups.
  2. Have the JTE model some questions that you are likely to say, “yes, I did” to. E.g. ‘Did you eat breakfast this morning? Did you go to sleep last night?’
  3. The groups will complete against each other to ‘score’ as many “Yes” answers as possible within a three minute time limit.
  4. Groups will take turns asking the ALT, “Did you ___?” questions, while someone else in the class keeps time with a stopwatch. Give the students time to write at least five “Did you __?” questions. Encourage students to write different questions than their team mates.
  5. Pick a group to start and assign each group member a number. Give the stopwatch to a student from another group. When “Go” is classed, the number one member of the group asks you their question, then the number two, and so on. Every time you answer, ‘Yes, I did.” The group gets a point. Have the JTE keep score on the board.
  6. When 3 minutes are up move on to the next team and repeat. The group at the end of Round one is the winner. Round two is the same, but this time the students try to get “No” answers.


  • Repeat the above activity, but in pairs with a partner instead of the ALT.

See also