Do you Like Her?

From Akita Wiki
Target levelJHS
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Print off the Internet 5 pictures of people the students will know and have an opinion about. Put signs Like and Don’t Like on opposite sides of the room. Have the students stand up and then hold up one of the pictures i.e. Hard Gay. Students choose a side based on their opinion of Hard Gay. Then have the students recite, ‘This is Hard Gay. I like him.” Or “This is Hard Gay. I don’t like him.” Record how many likes and dislikes, at the end announce who is the most popular and least popular in the group. Next give the students a handout with 5 characters or people on it. Have the students complete the sentences with their own opinion. “This is ___. I ___him/her. Finally have the students go around the room and Janken. The winner is A, loser B: A: This is Doraemon. I like him. B: I like him too. A: Great! Sign here. Or B: Sorry, I don’t like him. A: Oh, too bad. The goal is to find someone who agrees with you to get your paper signed. Some picture ideas, Anpanman, Kaonashi, Brad Pitt, Kuraki Maki, Mickey Mouse. G27

See also