Akita Recontractors Conference 2023
The 2023 Akita recontracting Conference (令和5年再任用者研修会; Reiwa Gonen Sainin'yōsha Kenshūkai) was a conference held specifically for JET participants scheduled for reappointment in 2023 on Friday, June 30th 2023.
Mini Block Meetings
Block PAs
Catch up with your block before the new arrivals! Your Block PAs and Block Assistants will go over dates you should keep in mind for the next year, block safety check procedures, and other announcements.
- Discussions varied by block. Contact your Block PAs / Assistants if you have any questions.
Strengthen your Japanese Ability
Aiya Perrine
In this workshop, we will go over tips and strategies for helping you advance your Japanese skills so you can pass the next JLPT!
Recontracting Procedures 2023-2024
Alex Hennan
We will go over driver's license procedures, residence tax, and updating your status of residence.
How to ALT
Sean Corrigan, Kitaakita City JET Programme Coordinator (Guest Lecturer)
In this workshop, we will have a conversation about the philosophy of being an ALT. How do we fit into Japan and the Japanese education system? What things should you know as a second year ALT? How about a third? A fourth? What is expected of you? What should you expect of your workplace?
Festivals and Fun Case Studies
Vanessa Limenyande
Explore the wonders of Akita through nature, events, or both!.
Professional Development Workshop: 'I Love Me' Binder
Stephen Fischer
Have you ever felt uncertain about your abilities or struggled with imposter syndrome? What would you say if I told you, you have more worth and power than you may know? For today's final installment, we will learn about 'I Love Me' binders and how they can set you up for current and future success.