Akita Wiki:About
The Akita Wiki, launched in April 2008, is a user-created wiki that aims to be a useful source of articles about Akita Prefecture, life in our unique region, and teaching English in Japan. Although this site mainly targets the Akita JET community, there is a broad range of material that we hope will be useful for hopeful and/or current JETs around Japan, as well as visitors to Akita.
Articles on the Akita Wiki here were created by countless people who have lived in Akita and know a thing or two about the prefecture, teaching ideas, etc.
Please keep in mind this site is not affiliated with the JET Programme or any governmental organization. It is simply the words and wisdom of the those who have experienced life in Akita Prefecture and are eager to share.
If you would like to share as well, start by getting a Wiki account. Once you've done that, please read the article on editing contents. Any questions, queries, quandaries, concerns or issues may be addressed to: akitawiki@gmail.com

Web hosts
This wiki has been hosted by the following hosts:
Host | Type | From | To |
Web Hosting Pad | Shared Hosting | April 2008 | November 2011 |
Surpass Hosting | Shared Hosting | November 2011 | November 2012 |
Hostigation* | Virtual private server | November 2012 | November 2017 |
anyNode* | Virtual private server | September 2017 | October 2021 |
BuyVM | Virtual private server | October 2021 | 10 Oct 2025 |
*anyNode acquired Hostigation in 2017
*BuyVM acquired anyNode in August 2021
*We changed server in 2018 from OVZ25 to LV-KVM2G-1024
*Our BuyVM plan currently costs $50 per year
Domain name
Name | Reseller | From | To |
akitajet.com | Web Hosting Pad | April 2008 | April 2011 |
akitajet.com | Surpass Hosting | April 2011 | May 21, 2025 |
*In May 2015, we paid the domain name for 9 years, at $15.99 per year.
*In Sept 2017, the yearly rate increased to $27.99 per year, which we must pay from 2024.