Apples to Apples - Adjective and Noun Card Game
By Melissa Noad

- Media: Apples to Apples - Cards.doc
- Media: Apples to Apples - Card Backs.doc
- Media: Apples to Apples - Template.jpg
Print the set of cards and card backs in black and white. Use red and green coloured paper to copy the image for the card backs onto. You can use the special paper feeder on your school's photocopier. Glue the cards with adjectives on the back of the green card backs, and the nouns on the red card backs. Laminate the cards using card-sized sheets.
Unless you want to spend a lot of money on laminating sheets and a ton of time with the construction of this game, you might want to limit it to being an English club activity. You can simply copy the cards on coloured paper and cut them out, but they won't last you very long.
You can use the template to create your own cards. I edited each card in MS Paint, but I did not own Word at the time. You can simply add text boxes in Word on top of the image to add text to the boxes, and change the direction of the text. You can get ideas for the cards using this link:
Instructions for Play
Make groups of 4-8 students. Deal 5 red noun cards to each student. One student is "it." The student who is "it" must flip over a green adjective card in the middle of the table. Students who are not "it" must play a noun card that they feel best fits the adjective card. They put these cards face down in front of the student who is "it." After everyone has chosen their card to play, the "it" student will mix up the cards and then play them face up for all to see. The student who is "it" will choose the best card from the bunch that he/she feels is the best fit for the word. A reason for the choice can be given as the student likes. The student whose card was chosen collects the adjective card, and then the play passes to the left. The student with the most adjective cards is the winner.
Game Alternatives
- The winner can be the student who collects 5 adjective cards first (or whatever number you like).
- The game can be played in reverse, with adjectives being played to describe the noun instead of nouns that fit the adjective.
- Use the cards for karuta. Give the students the adjective cards and have them all face up on a desk. Pull a noun card and have students collect the adjectives that can describe the noun, and have them give reasons for their choices. You can do the same in reverse. Note that there are tons of cards, so you can play on many desks with lots of kids.