Chris and the Puppets
Note: Blue text is not part of the script, but is in the textbook.
New Horizon Book 2 (Heisei 18) pg. 115-119
Chris and the Puppets | |
クリスとあやつり人形たち | |
Details | |
Word count | 365 |
Book | New Horizon |
Grade | 2 |
Year | 2006 |
Chris is a 14-year-old girl. One day she has a fight with her mother and locks herself up in her room. At night she goes out to a puppet theater where she falls asleep. At two in the morning, the puppets wake up . . . .
Pitch: | Wake up, everyone! We're free! |
All puppets: | We're free! |
Patch: | What shall we do tonight? |
Chap: | Let's sing our favorite song first. |
All puppets: | OK. Let's sing! |
Chop: | Wait! What's that over there? |
Ran: | It's a girl. She's sleeping. Who is she? |
Chap: | Let's find out. Here's her bag. |
Chap opens her bag and takes out her student record book. They all peek.
Chap: | Look. Her name is Chris Fisher. She's fourteen and she's a student. |
Ran: | But why is she here? Shall we wake her up? |
Patch: | Let's wake her up. But wait. I have a good idea. |
All gather around Patch to listen to his idea.
All puppets: | That's a good idea. |
Patch: | Who will play the part of her mother? |
Ran: | I will. (Approaching Chris and speaking in a big voice like her mother.) Chris, wake up! It's time for school. |
Chris: | Um, uh... I'm not going to school today, Mom. I'm not staying home, either. |
Ran: | Come on, Chris. Wake up! |
All puppets: | Wake up, Chris! |
Chris: | (Finally waking up, to Ran)Oh, you're not Mom. (Jumping up)Who are you? Where am I? |
The puppets line up to introduce themselves to the melody of "Ame furi"
Chop: | We're . . . |
Pitch: | Pitch . . . |
Patch: | Patch... |
Chap: | Chap . . . |
Chop: | Chop . . . |
Ran: | Ran, Ran, Ran! We're all puppets. |
Chris: | Well, your names sound very interesting. I'm Chris. |
Chap: | We know that already. But why are you here? |
Chris: | I want to start a new life. I don't like my school. I don't like my home, either. |
Pitch: | Oh . . . and so you came here. |
Chris: | Yes. People are always saying the same things to me. "Chris, finish your breakfast quickly." "Chris, don't watch so much TV." "Chris, do your homework now." I'm tired of it. |
Chris continues to talk with the puppets.
Patch: | Do you want to live with us here? |
Chris: | Oh, yes. Thank you! You look so happy. And I think you're free. |
Chap: | We have to say yes and no. |
Chris: | What do you mean? |
Chap: | We're only free at night. During the day we must . . . |
Pitch: | Walk there and come back here many times . . . |
Patch: | Jump over here many times . . . |
Ran: | Do many quick spins . . . |
Chris: | That sounds like fun. I like dancing. Let's dance together! |
Chop: | Oh, but you don't understand . . . |
Nevertheless, Chris takes Chop's hand and starts to dance.
Chop lets go of her hand and sits down.
Chop: | Dancing isn't fun for us. It's work! |
Patch: | I think going to school is more interesting than dancing. |
Pitch: | You can learn many new things at school. You can read many books. |
Ran: | Do you really want to be a puppet like us? Do you really think we're free? |
It gets dark around them and the puppets disappear.
Chris: | Well . . . uh . . . I . . . uh . . . |
She hears her mother's voice.
Mom: | Chris, wake up! It's ten minutes past seven. You'll be late for school. |
Chris: | Oh, is that you, Mom? What happened? Where are the puppets? Was it only a dream? OK, Mom. I'm coming. |
Official translation (Heisei 18)
Taken from the New Horizon's teachers manual.
ピッチ: | みんな起きて! わたしたちは自由よ! |
人形たち: | 自由なんだ! |
パッチ: | 今夜は何をしようかな? |
チャップ: | まず大好きな歌を歌おうよ。 |
人形たち: | そうだ,歌おう! |
チョップ: | 待てよ! あそこにあるのは何だ? |
ラン: | 女の子よ。眠っているわ。だれでしょう? |
チャップ: | 調べてみよう。(眠っているクリスに近づいて) ここにかばんがあるぞ。 |
チャップ: | ほら。名前はクリス・フィッシャーだ。 14歳で,学校の生徒だ。 |
ラン: | でもどうしてここにいるの? 起こしてみましょうか? |
パッチ: | 起こしてみよう。でも待てよ。ぼくにいい考えがある。 |
人形たち: | それはいい考えだ。 |
パッチ: | だれがお母さん役をやる? |
ラン: | わたしがやるわ。(クリスに近づいて,母親のように大きな声で) クリス,起きなさい! 学校へ行く時間ですよ。 |
クリス: | うーん,ああ...。今日は,学校へ行かないわ,お母さん。家にもいるつもりないの。 |
ラン: | さあ,クリス。目を覚ましなさい! |
人形たち: | 目を覚まして,クリス! |
クリス: | (やっと目を覚まして,ランに)あっ,お母さんじゃないのね。 (起き上がって)だれなの? ここはどこ? |
人形たちは一列にならび,「あめふり」の曲のメロディ ーにのせて自己紹介をする。
チョップ: | ぼくたちは... |
ピッチ: | ピッチ... |
パッチ: | パッチ... |
チャップ: | チャップ... |
チョップ: | チョップ... |
ラン: | ラン,ラン,ラン! わたしたちみんなお人形よ。 |
クリス: | へー,とてもおもしろい名前ね。わたしはクリスよ。 |
チャップ: | ぼくたちもう知ってるよ。でも,なぜここにいるんだい? |
クリス: | 新しい生活を始めたいのよ。学校が嫌いなの。家も嫌いだわ。 |
ピッチ: | あー,...そういうわけでここへ来たのね? |
Chris: | そうよ。大人たちはいつも同じことばかりわたしに言ってるの。 「クリス,さっさと朝食 をすませなさい。」とか 「クリス,そんなにテ レビを見てはいけません。」とか 「クリス,も う宿題をしなさい。」とか。 もうわたしうん ざりだわ。 |
パッチ: | きみはここでぼくたちと住みたいのかい? |
クリス: | ええ,そうよ。 感謝するわ! あなたたちはとても幸せそうだし。それに自由だと思うのよ。 |
チャップ: | そうだとも,そうでないとも言わなければ。 |
クリス: | どういうこと? |
チャップ: | ぼくたちが自由なのは夜の間だけなんだよ。 昼間はね,ぼくたちがしなければならないのは... |
ピッチ: | あっちへ歩いていって,こっちへ戻ってと何回も... |
パッチ: | ここでは何度も飛びはねて... |
ラン: | くるくると何度も回って... |
クリス: | おもしろそうじゃないの。わたしダンスは好きよ。 いっしょにおどりましょうよ! |
チョップ: | うん,でもわかってないなあ... |
チョップ: | ぼくたちはダンスなんておもしろくないのさ。仕事だもの! |
パッチ: | 学校へ通うほうがダンスよりもっとおもしろいと思うがなあ。 |
ピッチ: | 学校ではたくさんの新しいことを学べるじゃないの。本もたくさん読めるし。 |
ラン: | ほんとうにわたしたちみたいなお人形になりたいの? わたしたちが自由だなんて,ほんとうに思っているの? |
クリス: | えー...,あー...,わたしはね...,あー... |
母: | クリス,起きなさい! 7 時 10 分過ぎですよ。学校に遅れますよ。 |
クリス: | あ,お母さんなのね? どうなったのかしら? お人形さんたちはどこ? 夢だったのかし ら? はーい,お母さん,今行きます。 |
New Horizon Book 2 (Heisei 14) pg. 56-60
Chris and the Puppets | |
クリスとあやつり人形たち | |
Details | |
Word count | 262 |
Book | New Horizon |
Grade | 2 |
Year | 2002 |
Pitch: | We're free! |
All puppets: | We're free! |
Patch: | Let's play! |
All puppets: | Let's play! |
Chap: | Let's sing our favorite songs. |
All puppets: | OK. Let's go! |
Chop: | Wait! What's that girl doing here? |
Ran: | I don't know. She's sleeping. |
Pitch: | Let's find out about her. |
ピッチ,少女のポケットから手帳を抜きだす。全員のぞき込む。Pitch takes the girl's school ID from her pocket. They all look inside.
Pitch: | Look. Her name is Chris Fisher. She's a student and she's 14 years old. |
Patch: | But why is she here? Let's ask her. |
Ran: | Listen! I have an idea. |
全員ランのまわりに集まり,輪を作る。They all gather in a circle around Ran.
Chap: | That's a good idea. |
Ran: | 母親のような声で In the voice of Chris' motherChris, wake up! It's time for school. |
Chris: | Go away. I'm not going to school. I'm not staying home, either, Mom . . . . Oh! You're not my mom. Who . . . what are you? |
Chop: | We're puppets. |
Pitch: | We're . . . (「あめふり」の曲のメロディーにのせて To the tune of "Ame-Furu (It's raining)")Pitch! |
Patch: | Patch! |
Chap: | Chap! |
Chop: | Chop! |
Ran: | Ran, Ran, Ran! |
Pitch: | We live here. Why are you here? |
Chris: | I'm looking for a new life. People are always saying the same thing to me. "Chris, do this. Chris, do that." I hate it. So I left. |
Ran: | And you want to be free? Like us? |
Patch: | You want to play all night? |
Chris: | Yes! Yes! You look so happy! I want to be a puppet, too. It'll be fun. |
Chop: | But you must understand. During the day we must . . . |
Ran: | Walk over here . . . |
Pitch: | Jump over there . . . |
Patch: | Turn around like this. |
Chap: | We're puppets. We're only free at night. |
Chris: | Then why are you so happy? |
Patch: | Because after we work all day . . . |
Ran: | We can play all night. |
Chop: | You see, nothing is really free. |
Chap: | Everything has a price. |
Pitch: | Chris, do you want to be a puppet, too? |
Chris: | Well, . . . uh . . . I . . . |
Ran: | Chris, wake up! It's time for school! |
Chris: | Your voice is changing? What's happening? Mom? Is that you? I . . . . Oh, I was dreaming. It was just a dream OK, Mom. I'm coming. |