Japanese Eras

The Japanese era calendar scheme is used in Japan. It identifies a year by the combination of the Japanese era name (元号; gengō) and the year number within the era (e.g., the year 2008 is Heisei 20).
- The current era is the Reiwa Era (令和).
The first year of an era is referred to as 元年 (gannen) (i.e. Reiwa 1 is 令和元年, not 令和1年). Era names are frequently reduced to the first letter of their romanized name (e.g. Reiwa 2 [2020] = R2).
- 2025 corresponds to Reiwa 7.
In pre-modern times an era name would change after a great disaster. Such disasters included fires, storms, earthquakes, floods, etc. The passing of emperors was also often (but not always) considered impetus for switching the era name. Because it was not limited to an emperor's passing, a single emperor would reign over multiple eras.
Since the Meiji Era it has been custom in Japan that each era name corresponds with the reign of one Japanese emperor (一世一元の制; Issei Ichigen no Sei). The era name changes only with the passing (or abdication) of the emperor. This has given rise to the longest eras in Japanese history. The custom was officially codified into Japanese law in 1979.
Years which see imperial succession have two era names. For example, the current Emperor Emeritus (then Emperor Akihito) voluntarily abdicated the throne on April 30, 2019 to be succeeded by the current Emperor (Emperor Naruhito) the following day; so the dates January 1 - April 30, 2019 are referred to as 平成31年 (Heisei 31), while only the dates from May 1, 2019 through December 31st, 2019 are referred to as 令和元年 (Reiwa 1). The procedure for switching over the era name is called 改元 (kaigen) in Japanese (or sometimes, colloquially, 改号; kaigō).
Although 元号 (gengō) is the official term for the Japanese era name, the more colloquial term 年号 (nengō, lit. year name) is sometimes used instead. These two terms may be considered interchangeable for most intents and purposes.
Era Naming
The national government of Japan decides each new era name. Each new era name is a highly guarded state secret until it is revealed to the public. New era names are chosen based on the following official criteria.
An era name shall:
- have a good meaning, and be an ideal which all citizens of Japan may aspire to
- be 2 characters long (even though 4-character era names have existed historically)
- be easy to write
- be easy to read
- not have been used as the name of an era or an emperor in the past
- not be characters commonly used in daily life (no names of people, places, products, companies, etc.)
While not an official criteria, when choosing a new era name, consideration is also given that the first letter of the Roman transliteration of the new era name not be a repeat of the first letter of any other era names since the Meiji era (when the practice of representing era names as single letters of the alphabet began). The letters considered unofficially off-limits are:
- M = 明治 (Meiji)
- T = 大正 (Taishō)
- S = 昭和 (Shōwa)
- H = 平成 (Heisei)
- R = 令和 (Reiwa)
Era Name Origins
Each era name is based off a passage (or passages) in old texts. All era names up until Heisei have been based off of passages from Chinese texts. Reiwa is the first era name to be based off of a Japanese text.
Meiji (明治; "Bright Governance")
Origin Text | "Book of Changes"; I Ching (易経) |
Passage (Chinese) | 聖人南面而聴天下、嚮明而治 |
Japanese Translation | 聖人南面して天下を聴き、明に嚮(むか)ひて治む |
English Translation | When a wise man fixes his gaze south (as the north star), all the land shall be governed towards brightness |
Taishō (大正; "Great Correctness")
Origin Text | "Book of Changes"; I Ching (易経) |
Passage (Chinese) | 大亨以正、天之道也 |
Japanese Translation | 大いに亨(とほ)りて以て正しきは、天の道なり |
English Translation | Great many things being prosperous and (adherence to) correct (principles), these are the path of heaven |
Shōwa (昭和; "Shining Harmony")
Origin Text | "Book of Documents"; Shujing (書経) |
Passage (Chinese) | 百姓昭明、協和萬邦 |
Japanese Translation | 百姓(ひゃくせい)昭明にして、萬邦(ばんぽう)を協和す |
English Translation | Make all peoples clear ("shining") and act in harmony with all nations |
Notes | This passage from the Shujing was also the origin text for the era name Meiwa (明和; 1764~1772). |
Heisei (平成; "Peace and Prosperity")
Origin Texts | "Records of the Grand Historian"; Shiji (史記) |
"Book of Documents"; Shujing (書経) |
Passages (Chinese) | 內平外成 | 地平天成 |
Japanese Translations | 内平かに外成る | 地平かに天成る |
English Translations | When there is peace within (a country), there is prosperity outward (from that country) |
When there is peace on Earth, there is prosperity in heaven |
Notes | The era name Heisei has two origin texts |
Reiwa (令和; "Beautiful Harmony")
Origin Text | "Book of Ten Thousand Leaves"; Man'yōshū (万葉集) |
Passage (Japanese kanbun) | 于時、初春令月、氣淑風和、梅披鏡前之粉、蘭薫珮後之香 |
Classical Japanese Reading | 時に、初春の令月にして、気淑く風和ぎ、梅は鏡前の粉を披き、蘭は珮後の香を薫す |
English Translation | At the time of the beautiful month in early spring, when the air is graceful and the wind is harmonious, plum blossoms flower, as though putting on make-up in front of a mirror, and the orchids are fragrant, like ornamental incense decorating one's belt |
Notes | The era name Reiwa is the first to be based off of a Japanese origin text |
Era Table
Year | Kanji | Abv. | Romanization | Sexagenary Cycle | |
Element | Animal | ||||
1868*1 | 慶応4年/明治元年 | ―/M1 | Keiō 4/Meiji 1 | 戊 Yang Earth | 辰 Dragon |
1869 | 明治2年 | M2 | Meiji 2 | 己 Yin Earth | 巳 Snake |
1870 | 明治3年 | M3 | Meiji 3 | 庚 Yang Metal | 午 Horse |
1871 | 明治4年 | M4 | Meiji 4 | 辛 Yin Metal | 未 Sheep |
1872 | 明治5年 | M5 | Meiji 5 | 壬 Yang Water | 申 Monkey |
1873 | 明治6年 | M6 | Meiji 6 | 癸 Yin Water | 酉 Rooster |
1874 | 明治7年 | M7 | Meiji 7 | 甲 Yang Wood | 戌 Dog |
1875 | 明治8年 | M8 | Meiji 8 | 乙 Yin Wood | 亥 Pig |
1876 | 明治9年 | M9 | Meiji 9 | 丙 Yang Fire | 子 Rat |
1877 | 明治10年 | M10 | Meiji 10 | 丁 Yin Fire | 丑 Ox |
1878 | 明治11年 | M11 | Meiji 11 | 戊 Yang Earth | 寅 Tiger |
1879 | 明治12年 | M12 | Meiji 12 | 己 Yin Earth | 卯 Rabbit |
1880 | 明治13年 | M13 | Meiji 13 | 庚 Yang Metal | 辰 Dragon |
1881 | 明治14年 | M14 | Meiji 14 | 辛 Yin Metal | 巳 Snake |
1882 | 明治15年 | M15 | Meiji 15 | 壬 Yang Water | 午 Horse |
1883 | 明治16年 | M16 | Meiji 16 | 癸 Yin Water | 未 Sheep |
1884 | 明治17年 | M17 | Meiji 17 | 甲 Yang Wood | 申 Monkey |
1885 | 明治18年 | M18 | Meiji 18 | 乙 Yin Wood | 酉 Rooster |
1886 | 明治19年 | M19 | Meiji 19 | 丙 Yang Fire | 戌 Dog |
1887 | 明治20年 | M20 | Meiji 20 | 丁 Yin Fire | 亥 Pig |
1888 | 明治21年 | M21 | Meiji 21 | 戊 Yang Earth | 子 Rat |
1889 | 明治22年 | M22 | Meiji 22 | 己 Yin Earth | 丑 Ox |
1890 | 明治23年 | M23 | Meiji 23 | 庚 Yang Metal | 寅 Tiger |
1891 | 明治24年 | M24 | Meiji 24 | 辛 Yin Metal | 卯 Rabbit |
1892 | 明治25年 | M25 | Meiji 25 | 壬 Yang Water | 辰 Dragon |
1893 | 明治26年 | M26 | Meiji 26 | 癸 Yin Water | 巳 Snake |
1894 | 明治27年 | M27 | Meiji 27 | 甲 Yang Wood | 午 Horse |
1895 | 明治28年 | M28 | Meiji 28 | 乙 Yin Wood | 未 Sheep |
1896 | 明治29年 | M29 | Meiji 29 | 丙 Yang Fire | 申 Monkey |
1897 | 明治30年 | M30 | Meiji 30 | 丁 Yin Fire | 酉 Rooster |
1898 | 明治31年 | M31 | Meiji 31 | 戊 Yang Earth | 戌 Dog |
1899 | 明治32年 | M32 | Meiji 32 | 己 Yin Earth | 亥 Pig |
1900 | 明治33年 | M33 | Meiji 33 | 庚 Yang Metal | 子 Rat |
1901 | 明治34年 | M34 | Meiji 34 | 辛 Yin Metal | 丑 Ox |
1902 | 明治35年 | M35 | Meiji 35 | 壬 Yang Water | 寅 Tiger |
1903 | 明治36年 | M36 | Meiji 36 | 癸 Yin Water | 卯 Rabbit |
1904 | 明治37年 | M37 | Meiji 37 | 甲 Yang Wood | 辰 Dragon |
1905 | 明治38年 | M38 | Meiji 38 | 乙 Yin Wood | 巳 Snake |
1906 | 明治39年 | M39 | Meiji 39 | 丙 Yang Fire | 午 Horse |
1907 | 明治40年 | M40 | Meiji 40 | 丁 Yin Fire | 未 Sheep |
1908 | 明治41年 | M41 | Meiji 41 | 戊 Yang Earth | 申 Monkey |
1909 | 明治42年 | M42 | Meiji 42 | 己 Yin Earth | 酉 Rooster |
1910 | 明治43年 | M43 | Meiji 43 | 庚 Yang Metal | 戌 Dog |
1911 | 明治44年 | M44 | Meiji 44 | 辛 Yin Metal | 亥 Pig |
1912*2 | 明治45年/大正元年 | M45/T1 | Meiji 45/Taishō 1 | 壬 Yang Water | 子 Rat |
1913 | 大正2年 | T2 | Taishō 2 | 癸 Yin Water | 丑 Ox |
1914 | 大正3年 | T3 | Taishō 3 | 甲 Yang Wood | 寅 Tiger |
1915 | 大正4年 | T4 | Taishō 4 | 乙 Yin Wood | 卯 Rabbit |
1916 | 大正5年 | T5 | Taishō 5 | 丙 Yang Fire | 辰 Dragon |
1917 | 大正6年 | T6 | Taishō 6 | 丁 Yin Fire | 巳 Snake |
1918 | 大正7年 | T7 | Taishō 7 | 戊 Yang Earth | 午 Horse |
1919 | 大正8年 | T8 | Taishō 8 | 己 Yin Earth | 未 Sheep |
1920 | 大正9年 | T9 | Taishō 9 | 庚 Yang Metal | 申 Monkey |
1921 | 大正10年 | T10 | Taishō 10 | 辛 Yin Metal | 酉 Rooster |
1922 | 大正11年 | T11 | Taishō 11 | 壬 Yang Water | 戌 Dog |
1923 | 大正12年 | T12 | Taishō 12 | 癸 Yin Water | 亥 Pig |
1924 | 大正13年 | T13 | Taishō 13 | 甲 Yang Wood | 子 Rat |
1925 | 大正14年 | T14 | Taishō 14 | 乙 Yin Wood | 丑 Ox |
1926*3 | 大正15年/昭和元年 | T15/S1 | Taishō 15/Shōwa 1 | 丙 Yang Fire | 寅 Tiger |
1927 | 昭和2年 | S2 | Shōwa 2 | 丁 Yin Fire | 卯 Rabbit |
1928 | 昭和3年 | S3 | Shōwa 3 | 戊 Yang Earth | 辰 Dragon |
1929 | 昭和4年 | S4 | Shōwa 4 | 己 Yin Earth | 巳 Snake |
1930 | 昭和5年 | S5 | Shōwa 5 | 庚 Yang Metal | 午 Horse |
1931 | 昭和6年 | S6 | Shōwa 6 | 辛 Yin Metal | 未 Sheep |
1932 | 昭和7年 | S7 | Shōwa 7 | 壬 Yang Water | 申 Monkey |
1933 | 昭和8年 | S8 | Shōwa 8 | 癸 Yin Water | 酉 Rooster |
1934 | 昭和9年 | S9 | Shōwa 9 | 甲 Yang Wood | 戌 Dog |
1935 | 昭和10年 | S10 | Shōwa 10 | 乙 Yin Wood | 亥 Pig |
1936 | 昭和11年 | S11 | Shōwa 11 | 丙 Yang Fire | 子 Rat |
1937 | 昭和12年 | S12 | Shōwa 12 | 丁 Yin Fire | 丑 Ox |
1938 | 昭和13年 | S13 | Shōwa 13 | 戊 Yang Earth | 寅 Tiger |
1939 | 昭和14年 | S14 | Shōwa 14 | 己 Yin Earth | 卯 Rabbit |
1940 | 昭和15年 | S15 | Shōwa 15 | 庚 Yang Metal | 辰 Dragon |
1941 | 昭和16年 | S16 | Shōwa 16 | 辛 Yin Metal | 巳 Snake |
1942 | 昭和17年 | S17 | Shōwa 17 | 壬 Yang Water | 午 Horse |
1943 | 昭和18年 | S18 | Shōwa 18 | 癸 Yin Water | 未 Sheep |
1944 | 昭和19年 | S19 | Shōwa 19 | 甲 Yang Wood | 申 Monkey |
1945 | 昭和20年 | S20 | Shōwa 20 | 乙 Yin Wood | 酉 Rooster |
1946 | 昭和21年 | S21 | Shōwa 21 | 丙 Yang Fire | 戌 Dog |
1947 | 昭和22年 | S22 | Shōwa 22 | 丁 Yin Fire | 亥 Pig |
1948 | 昭和23年 | S23 | Shōwa 23 | 戊 Yang Earth | 子 Rat |
1949 | 昭和24年 | S24 | Shōwa 24 | 己 Yin Earth | 丑 Ox |
1950 | 昭和25年 | S25 | Shōwa 25 | 庚 Yang Metal | 寅 Tiger |
1951 | 昭和26年 | S26 | Shōwa 26 | 辛 Yin Metal | 卯 Rabbit |
1952 | 昭和27年 | S27 | Shōwa 27 | 壬 Yang Water | 辰 Dragon |
1953 | 昭和28年 | S28 | Shōwa 28 | 癸 Yin Water | 巳 Snake |
1954 | 昭和29年 | S29 | Shōwa 29 | 甲 Yang Wood | 午 Horse |
1955 | 昭和30年 | S30 | Shōwa 30 | 乙 Yin Wood | 未 Sheep |
1956 | 昭和31年 | S31 | Shōwa 31 | 丙 Yang Fire | 申 Monkey |
1957 | 昭和32年 | S32 | Shōwa 32 | 丁 Yin Fire | 酉 Rooster |
1958 | 昭和33年 | S33 | Shōwa 33 | 戊 Yang Earth | 戌 Dog |
1959 | 昭和34年 | S34 | Shōwa 34 | 己 Yin Earth | 亥 Pig |
1960 | 昭和35年 | S35 | Shōwa 35 | 庚 Yang Metal | 子 Rat |
1961 | 昭和36年 | S36 | Shōwa 36 | 辛 Yin Metal | 丑 Ox |
1962 | 昭和37年 | S37 | Shōwa 37 | 壬 Yang Water | 寅 Tiger |
1963 | 昭和38年 | S38 | Shōwa 38 | 癸 Yin Water | 卯 Rabbit |
1964 | 昭和39年 | S39 | Shōwa 39 | 甲 Yang Wood | 辰 Dragon |
1965 | 昭和40年 | S40 | Shōwa 40 | 乙 Yin Wood | 巳 Snake |
1966 | 昭和41年 | S41 | Shōwa 41 | 丙 Yang Fire | 午 Horse |
1967 | 昭和42年 | S42 | Shōwa 42 | 丁 Yin Fire | 未 Sheep |
1968 | 昭和43年 | S43 | Shōwa 43 | 戊 Yang Earth | 申 Monkey |
1969 | 昭和44年 | S44 | Shōwa 44 | 己 Yin Earth | 酉 Rooster |
1970 | 昭和45年 | S45 | Shōwa 45 | 庚 Yang Metal | 戌 Dog |
1971 | 昭和46年 | S46 | Shōwa 46 | 辛 Yin Metal | 亥 Pig |
1972 | 昭和47年 | S47 | Shōwa 47 | 壬 Yang Water | 子 Rat |
1973 | 昭和48年 | S48 | Shōwa 48 | 癸 Yin Water | 丑 Ox |
1974 | 昭和49年 | S49 | Shōwa 49 | 甲 Yang Wood | 寅 Tiger |
1975 | 昭和50年 | S50 | Shōwa 50 | 乙 Yin Wood | 卯 Rabbit |
1976 | 昭和51年 | S51 | Shōwa 51 | 丙 Yang Fire | 辰 Dragon |
1977 | 昭和52年 | S52 | Shōwa 52 | 丁 Yin Fire | 巳 Snake |
1978 | 昭和53年 | S53 | Shōwa 53 | 戊 Yang Earth | 午 Horse |
1979 | 昭和54年 | S54 | Shōwa 54 | 己 Yin Earth | 未 Sheep |
1980 | 昭和55年 | S55 | Shōwa 55 | 庚 Yang Metal | 申 Monkey |
1981 | 昭和56年 | S56 | Shōwa 56 | 辛 Yin Metal | 酉 Rooster |
1982 | 昭和57年 | S57 | Shōwa 57 | 壬 Yang Water | 戌 Dog |
1983 | 昭和58年 | S58 | Shōwa 58 | 癸 Yin Water | 亥 Pig |
1984 | 昭和59年 | S59 | Shōwa 59 | 甲 Yang Wood | 子 Rat |
1985 | 昭和60年 | S60 | Shōwa 60 | 乙 Yin Wood | 丑 Ox |
1986 | 昭和61年 | S61 | Shōwa 61 | 丙 Yang Fire | 寅 Tiger |
1987 | 昭和62年 | S62 | Shōwa 62 | 丁 Yin Fire | 卯 Rabbit |
1988 | 昭和63年 | S63 | Shōwa 63 | 戊 Yang Earth | 辰 Dragon |
1989*4 | 昭和64年/平成元年 | S64/H1 | Shōwa 64/Heisei 1 | 己 Yin Earth | 巳 Snake |
1990 | 平成2年 | H2 | Heisei 2 | 庚 Yang Metal | 午 Horse |
1991 | 平成3年 | H3 | Heisei 3 | 辛 Yin Metal | 未 Sheep |
1992 | 平成4年 | H4 | Heisei 4 | 壬 Yang Water | 申 Monkey |
1993 | 平成5年 | H5 | Heisei 5 | 癸 Yin Water | 酉 Rooster |
1994 | 平成6年 | H6 | Heisei 6 | 甲 Yang Wood | 戌 Dog |
1995 | 平成7年 | H7 | Heisei 7 | 乙 Yin Wood | 亥 Pig |
1996 | 平成8年 | H8 | Heisei 8 | 丙 Yang Fire | 子 Rat |
1997 | 平成9年 | H9 | Heisei 9 | 丁 Yin Fire | 丑 Ox |
1998 | 平成10年 | H10 | Heisei 10 | 戊 Yang Earth | 寅 Tiger |
1999 | 平成11年 | H11 | Heisei 11 | 己 Yin Earth | 卯 Rabbit |
2000 | 平成12年 | H12 | Heisei 12 | 庚 Yang Metal | 辰 Dragon |
2001 | 平成13年 | H13 | Heisei 13 | 辛 Yin Metal | 巳 Snake |
2002 | 平成14年 | H14 | Heisei 14 | 壬 Yang Water | 午 Horse |
2003 | 平成15年 | H15 | Heisei 15 | 癸 Yin Water | 未 Sheep |
2004 | 平成16年 | H16 | Heisei 16 | 甲 Yang Wood | 申 Monkey |
2005 | 平成17年 | H17 | Heisei 17 | 乙 Yin Wood | 酉 Rooster |
2006 | 平成18年 | H18 | Heisei 18 | 丙 Yang Fire | 戌 Dog |
2007 | 平成19年 | H19 | Heisei 19 | 丁 Yin Fire | 亥 Pig |
2008 | 平成20年 | H20 | Heisei 20 | 戊 Yang Earth | 子 Rat |
2009 | 平成21年 | H21 | Heisei 21 | 己 Yin Earth | 丑 Ox |
2010 | 平成22年 | H22 | Heisei 22 | 庚 Yang Metal | 寅 Tiger |
2011 | 平成23年 | H23 | Heisei 23 | 辛 Yin Metal | 卯 Rabbit |
2012 | 平成24年 | H24 | Heisei 24 | 壬 Yang Water | 辰 Dragon |
2013 | 平成25年 | H25 | Heisei 25 | 癸 Yin Water | 巳 Snake |
2014 | 平成26年 | H26 | Heisei 26 | 甲 Yang Wood | 午 Horse |
2015 | 平成27年 | H27 | Heisei 27 | 乙 Yin Wood | 未 Sheep |
2016 | 平成28年 | H28 | Heisei 28 | 丙 Yang Fire | 申 Monkey |
2017 | 平成29年 | H29 | Heisei 29 | 丁 Yin Fire | 酉 Rooster |
2018 | 平成30年 | H30 | Heisei 30 | 戊 Yang Earth | 戌 Dog |
2019*5 | 平成31年/令和元年 | H31/R1 | Heisei 31/Reiwa 1 | 己 Yin Earth | 亥 Pig |
2020 | 令和2年 | R2 | Reiwa 2 | 庚 Yang Metal | 子 Rat |
2021 | 令和3年 | R3 | Reiwa 3 | 辛 Yin Metal | 丑 Ox |
2022 | 令和4年 | R4 | Reiwa 4 | 壬 Yang Water | 寅 Tiger |
2023 | 令和5年 | R5 | Reiwa 5 | 癸 Yin Water | 卯 Rabbit |
2024 | 令和6年 | R6 | Reiwa 6 | 甲 Yang Wood | 辰 Dragon |
2025 | 令和7年 | R7 | Reiwa 7 | 乙 Yin Wood | 巳 Snake |
2026 | 令和8年 | R8 | Reiwa 8 | 丙 Yang Fire | 午 Horse |
2027 | 令和9年 | R9 | Reiwa 9 | 丁 Yin Fire | 未 Sheep |
2028 | 令和10年 | R10 | Reiwa 10 | 戊 Yang Earth | 申 Monkey |
2029 | 令和11年 | R11 | Reiwa 11 | 己 Yin Earth | 酉 Rooster |
2030 | 令和12年 | R12 | Reiwa 12 | 庚 Yang Metal | 戌 Dog |
2031 | 令和13年 | R13 | Reiwa 13 | 辛 Yin Metal | 亥 Pig |
2032 | 令和14年 | R14 | Reiwa 14 | 壬 Yang Water | 子 Rat |
2033 | 令和15年 | R15 | Reiwa 15 | 癸 Yin Water | 丑 Ox |
*1 Keiō 4 to October 22nd, 1868; Meiji 1 from October 23rd, 1868 (although the change of era name was retroactively applied to begin on January 25th). Emperor Meiji had already ascended the throne the year prior after the death of his father, Emperor Kōmei. The practice of using the first letter of the Roman alphabet transliteration to represent the era began with Meiji; Keiō 4 is not typically rendered K4, for example.
*2 Meiji 45 to July 30th, 1912; Taishō 1 from July 31st, 1912
*3 Taishō 15 to December 25th, 1926; Shōwa 1 from December 26th, 1926
*4 Shōwa 64 to January 7th, 1989; Heisei 1 from January 8th, 1989
*5 Heisei 31 to April 30, 2019; Reiwa 1 from May 1, 2019
Note: The first year of the sexagenary cycle is "Yang Wood / Rat" (甲子; kōshi). These years are marked with bold lines.
The Sexagenary Cycle
The Sexagenary Cycle is a historical method of recording dates used throughout ancient China's sphere of influence. The word sexagenary refers to the fact that one rotation of the cycle is 60 years. Within the 60-year cycle are two smaller cycles, the Ten Heavenly Stems and the Twelve Earthly Branches; the offset rotations of these two cycles take 60 years to both reset simultaneously. This 60-year cycle is called 干支 (eto) in Japanese; which is just a combination of the characters for "stems" and "branches."
- The Ten Heavenly Stems (十干; Jikkan)
The Ten Heavenly Stems represent the ten traditional Chinese elements. Those elements are the yin and yang variants each of wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
No. | Heavenly Stem |
On'yomi | Kun'yomi | Corresponding Kanji |
Yin Yang | Element |
1 | 甲 | こう | きのえ | 木の兄 | Yang(陽) | Wood(木) |
2 | 乙 | おつ | きのと | 木の弟 | Yin(陰) | |
3 | 丙 | へい | ひのえ | 火の兄 | Yang(陽) | Fire(火) |
4 | 丁 | てい | ひのと | 火の弟 | Yin(陰) | |
5 | 戊 | ぼ | つちのえ | 土の兄 | Yang(陽) | Earth(土) |
6 | 己 | き | つちのと | 土の弟 | Yin(陰) | |
7 | 庚 | こう | かのえ | 金の兄 | Yang(陽) | Metal(金) |
8 | 辛 | しん | かのと | 金の弟 | Yin(陰) | |
9 | 壬 | じん | みずのえ | 水の兄 | Yang(陽) | Water(水) |
10 | 癸 | き | みずのと | 水の弟 | Yin(陰) |
- The Ten Stems are way of numbering documents (especially numbering how many times a document has been copied), or of indicating parties in a contract, etc.
- The Twelve Earthly Branches (十二支; jūnishi)
The Twelve Earthly Branches represent the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
No. | Earthly Branch |
On'yomi | Kun'yomi | Corresponding Kanji |
Meaning | Time of Day |
1 | 子 | し | ね (ねずみ) | 鼠 | Rat | 23:00~1:00 |
2 | 丑 | ちゅう | うし | 牛 | Cow | 1:00~3:00 |
3 | 寅 | いん | とら | 虎 | Tiger | 3:00~5:00 |
4 | 卯 | ぼう | う (うさぎ) | 兎 | Rabbit | 5:00~7:00 |
5 | 辰 | しん | たつ | 竜 (龍) | Dragon | 7:00~9:00 |
6 | 巳 | し | み (へび) | 蛇 | Snake | 9:00~11:00 |
7 | 午 | ご | うま | 馬 | Horse | 11:00~13:00 |
8 | 未 | み (or び) | ひつじ | 羊 | Sheep | 13:00~15:00 |
9 | 申 | しん | さる | 猿 | Monkey | 15:00~17:00 |
10 | 酉 | ゆう | とり | 鶏 (鳥) | Chicken | 17:00~19:00 |
11 | 戌 | じゅつ | いぬ | 犬 (狗) | Dog | 19:00~21:00 |
12 | 亥 | がい | い (いのしし) | 猪 | Boar | 21:00~23:00 |
- Years are frequently referred to by their animal. A polite way to ask for someone's age (or to state your own age) is to ask in the year of which animal they were born. The same animal takes 12 years to cycle around, so you will either be able to pinpoint their age, or be incredibly rude by being 12 years (or more!) off.
- In addition to numbering the years, the Earthly Stems also number the hours of the day.
- A person who has achieved their 60th birthday is said to have completed a cycle (還暦; kanreki), which is a cause for special celebration.
- The combination of Heavenly Branch and Earthly Stem are sometimes used in the naming of events or places. For example, the Boshin War (戊辰戦争; Boshin Sensō) is named 戊辰 because it occurred in 1868. Also Koshien Stadium (甲子園球場; Kōshien Kyūjō) in Hyogo is named 甲子 because it opened in 1924; the first year of the sexagenary cycle.

No. | Posthumous Name (追号) |
Given Name (諱) |
Reign (在位期間) |
Era Name (元号) |
122 | 明治天皇 (Emperor Meiji) |
睦仁 (Mutsuhito) |
1868- 1912 |
明治 (Meiji) |
123 | 大正天皇 (Emperor Taishō) |
嘉仁 (Yoshihito) |
1912- 1926 |
大正 (Taishō) |
124 | 昭和天皇 (Emperor Shōwa) |
裕仁 (Hirohito) |
1926- 1989 |
昭和 (Shōwa) |
125 | 上皇 (Emperor Emeritus) |
明仁 (Akihito) |
1989- 2019 |
平成 (Heisei) |
126 | 今上天皇 (The Reigning Emperor) |
徳仁 (Naruhito) |
2019- present |
令和 (Reiwa) |
Notes on Japanese imperial titles: the current emperor is referred to only as 天皇陛下 (tennō heika; "His Imperial Majesty the Emperor") or 今上天皇 (kinjō tennō; also translated as "His Imperial Majesty the Emperor" or "The Reigning Emperor"). Emperors are referred to by their era names posthumously (it is a faux-pas to refer to the reigning emperor as the Emperor Reiwa, for example). Usage of the Emperor's given name (currently: Emperor Naruhito) is rare, especially posthumously (this can even be considered another faux-pas), and is usually reserved only for cases where differentiation is required.
On April 30th, 2019, then Emperor Akihito abdicated the throne and assumed the title Emperor Emeritus (上皇; jōkō). It is similarly a faux-pas to refer to him currently as Emperor Heisei.

The emperor's younger brother and heir presumptive, Crown Prince Akishino Fumihito (秋篠宮皇嗣殿下文仁親王; Akishino-no-miya Kōshi Denka Fumihito Shinnō), is first in line to succeed to the Chrysanthemum Throne. His position as first in line would be displaced by a son born to Emperor Naruhito, who would be declared heir apparent. This outcome is considered unlikely.
The second in line to succeed the Chrysanthemum Throne is Crown Prince Akishino's eldest son, Prince Hisahito of Akishino. The third and last in line to succeed the Chrysanthemum Throne is Prince Hitachi Masahito, the second son of Emperor Shōwa, younger brother of Emperor Emeritus Akihito, and uncle of Emperor Naruhito.
Japanese Historical Periods
While these are unrelated to Japanese era names, they are frequently used in conversation and literature.
Start | End | Kanji | English |
14,000 BC | 300 BC | 縄文時代 | Jōmon Period |
300 BC | 300 AD | 弥生時代 | Yayoi Period |
300 | 538 | 古墳時代 | Kofun Period |
538 | 710 | 飛鳥時代 | Asuka Period |
710 | 794 | 奈良時代 | Nara Period |
794 | 1192 | 平安時代 | Heian Period |
1192 | 1333 | 鎌倉時代 | Kamakura Period |
1334 | 1392 | 南北朝時代 | Nanboku-chō Period / "Northern and Southern Courts" Period |
1392 | 1573 | 室町時代 | Muromachi Period |
1467 | 1603 | 戦国時代* | Sengoku Period / "Warring States" Period |
1603 | 1867 | 江戸時代 / 徳川時代 | Edo Period / Tokugawa Period |
* The Warring States Period has some overlap with the Muromachi Period before it.