Judy's Diary

From Akita Wiki

New Everyday English 3 (Showa 56) pg. 19-22

Judy's Diary
Word count264
BookNew Everyday English

Mon., July 23rd. Fair.
Went to the hospital with Daddy. On the wall there was a notice: PLEASE GIVE BLOOD. GIVING BLOOD HELPS OTHER PEOPLE. Daddy has given blood once.
In the next room there were a lot of men and women. All of them were giving blood. Daddy also gave blood. Bought some bread on our way home.

Wed., Aug. 1st. Windy.
Wind was blowing hard today.
In the evening, my uncle and aunt came over to our house. They gave me something very interesting for my birthday. It was a book of alphabet riddles. Enjoyed reading the first few pages. Here are some riddles:

  1. What letter is a small, round, green vegetable?
  2. What two letters form a number between 75 and 85?

Thurs., Aug. 2nd. Cloudy.
Have read through the riddle book. Went to the lake for a swim. Met a number of friends there. We are the members of our school swimming club. The water was nice and cool. Some young people were fishing on the lake.
On my way home, went to a store. Bought a dictionary and some paper. Wrote some letters to my friends after dinner. Very tired. Went to bed early.

Tues., Aug. 28th. Cloudy and rainy.
Mom said to me, "Have you cleaned your room yet?" She always says that.
Had a rain shower this afternoon. It did not stop raining for half an hour. At about three o'clock, the sun came out from behind a cloud. In the evening, the moon and the stars in the sky were beautiful. Hope it will be fine tomorrow.

See also