Betting Game

From Akita Wiki
Target levelJHS
(0 votes)
  1. Tell the students how much money they will start with.
  2. Beside each number students write their answer. Next to the 1st $ the students write their bets. The 2nd $ is the students new total.

Possible hints

  1. A (nantoka) is a person who helps you when you are sick. He works in a hospital.
  2. __ is a drink that many people drink in the morning. You can buy the drink at Starbucks or Detour.
  3. (Nantoka) is a sport that is played all over the world. The best players play in the World Cup.
  4. A __ is a machine that you use to talk to someone. You have it in your home and it makes a noise when someone wants to talk to you.
  5. A __ is a person who lives beside you. Sometimes they are noisy. Sometimes they are crazy.
  6. __ are a famous music band. They are from England. The drummer’s name means apple in Japanese.
  7. A __ is a day that happens once a year. It is special and you can get presents and cake. The day is different for most people but some people have it on the same day.
  8. __ is a country that is very big. It is popular for winter sports like ice hokey and skiing. The biggest city is Toronto.
  9. A __ is something that is in the sky. When there are many of them you can’t see the sun.
  10. An __ is something that is small and white. Inside it is yellow. When you cook it, it is delicious.

See also