If You Had the Chance

From Akita Wiki
Target levelJHS
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Have the students sit in chairs in a big circle, you sit with them. Select a structure to practice e.g.. “Would you ~ if you had the chance?” Anyone who’d go bungee-jumping if they had the chance, move tow to the right. All those who would, get up and move tot he right and sit down on a seat or someone’s lap. Give another 4-5 sentences. Anyone who’d fill their house with pets if they had the chance move 4 to the left. Anyone who’d go to live on a small island for a couple of years if they had the chance move three to the right. Anyone who’d have more than one boy or girlfriend if they had the chance move seven to the right. Anyone who’d never read another book in their life…At this point hand over the calling-out of the pattern sentences tot he students. Any student can say a sentence when they feel like it. When the students have got on top of the structure, change to a similar structure: Anyone who’s jump at the chance of… move…, Anyone who does… if they have the chance, move….

See also