Machine gun input

From Akita Wiki
Drill grammar tables.
Target levelJHS 2 - 3
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The following activity is suitable as a warm up for 2nd and 3rd grade in junior high school.


  • Print either the 2nd or 3rd grade information on the back and front of card (as the students will reuse the sheets often), give one to each student and have them put it in their folder.
  • When first practicing with the students have them repeat one word at a time, and then then repeat the 4 words together.
  • After a few days, when you feel they are pronouncing the words correctly, just read the 4 words and have them repeat.
  • As time progresses you can choose a student to lead the repetitions.
  • You can also then give a sheet with only the base form on the sheet, and the students must remember the various forms.
    • Simple adaption: Add music (not too loud) with a beat that is in line with the rhythm of the chant.

1st grade

    ~は ~の ~を, に ~のもの
1 I my me mine
2 あなた you your you yours
3 he his him his
4 彼女 she her her hers
5 それ it its it  
6 名前 name name's name name's
7 私たち we our us ours
8 あなたたち you your you yours
9 彼ら they their them theirs
10 彼女ら
11 それら

2nd grade

Base form
3rd person
Past tense
Present participle
1 ~好きだ like likes liked  
2 ~をする
play plays played playing
3 疑問文・否定文で使う do does did doing
4 来る come comes came coming
5 歩く walk walks walked walking
6 運転する drive drives drove driving
7 持っている
have has had having
8 ~がほしい want wants wanted  
9 ~を話す speak speaks spoke speaking
10 ~を知っている know knows knew  
11 ~を勉強する study studies studied studying
12 聞く listen listens listened listening
13 ~を使う use uses used using
14 住んでいる live lives lived living
15 ~を教える teach teaches taught teaching
16 ~を読む read reads read reading
17 ~を書く write writes wrote writing
18 ~に乗る take takes took taking
19 話す talk talks talked talking
20 ~を楽しむ enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoying
21 料理する cook cooks cooked cooking
22 ~を手伝う
help helps helped helping
23 ~を見る watch watches watched watching
24 走る run runs ran running
25 見る  look looks looked looking
26 泳ぐ swim swims swam swimming
27 ~を手に入れる get gets got getting
28 ~を出る leave leaves left leaving
29 ~を開ける open opens opened opening
30 ~を閉める close closes closed closing
31 ~に電話をする call calls called calling
32 ~を終える finish finishes finished finishing
33 座る sit sits sat sitting
34 待つ wait waits waited waiting
35 行く go goes went going

3rd grade

Base form
Past tense
Past participle
Present participle
1 ···である, ···にいる am, is/are was/were been being
2 ···になる become became become becoming
3 はじめる begin began begun beginning
4 折る break broke broken breaking
5 持ってくる bring brought brought bringing
6 建てる build built built building
7 買う buy bought bought buying
8 捕まえる catch caught caught catching
9 選ぶ choose chose chosen choosing
10 来る come came come coming
11 切る cut cut cut cutting
12 する do did done doing
13 飲む drink drank drunk drinking
14 運転する drive drove driven driving
15 食べる eat ate eaten eating
16 落ちる fall fell fallen falling
17 感じる feel felt felt feeling
18 たたかう fight fought fought fighting
19 見つける find found found finding
20 飛ぶ fly flew flown flying
21 忘れる forget forgot forgotten forgetting
22 得る get got got, gotten getting
23 与える give gave given giving
24 行く go went gone going
25 (しだいに)···になる grow grew grown growing
26 持っている have had had having
27 聞く hear heard heard hearing
28 当たる hit hit hit hitting
29 催す, 抱く hold held held holding
30 傷つける hurt hurt hurt hurting
31 もち続ける keep kept kept keeping
32 知っている know knew known knowing
33 導く lead led led leading
34 出発する leave left left leaving
35 ···しよう [let's] let let let letting
36 失う lose lost lost losing
37 作る make made made making
38 意味する mean meant meant meaning
39 会う meet met met meeting
40 つける, 置く put put put putting
41 読む read read read reading
42 乗る ride rode ridden riding
43 のぼる rise rose risen rising
44 走る run ran run running
45 言う say said said saying
46 見る see saw seen seeing
47 売る sell sold sold selling
48 おくる send sent sent sending
49 輝く shine shone shone shining
50 射る shoot shot shot shooting
51 見せる show showed shown showing
52 歌う sing sang sung singing
53 すわる sit sat sat sitting
54 眠る sleep slept slept sleeping
55 話す speak spoke spoken speaking
56 過ごす spend spent spent spending
57 立っている stand stood stood standing
58 盗む, 盗塁する steal stole stolen stealing
59 泳ぐ swim swam swum swimming
60 持っていく take took taken taking
61 教える teach taught taught teaching
62 話す, 教える tell told told telling
63 考える think thought thought thinking
64 投げる throw threw thrown throwing
65 理解する understand understood understood understanding
66 勝ち取る win won won winning
67 書く write wrote written writing

See also