My Number Card

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My Number Card - front
My Number Card - back

My Number (Individual Number)

This is a number assigned to you by the government for the city in which you live. It does not change and you do not have to reapply for a My Number.

The number is officially called an "Indivdual Number" (個人番号; kojin bangō) in Japanese, although it is frequently referred to by its colloquial name: the "My Number" (マイナンバー; mai nambā).

What is a My Number Card?

A plastic card with your name, address, date of birth, sex, My Number (the Individual Number), and your photograph. The card also has an IC chip, making it useful for a variety of services. The card can be used as proof of your identity, but cannot be used in place of your residence card. It can also used for various applications and public services.

Please note that, while your My Number never expires, your My Number Card is only valid until the last day of the Period of Stay listed on your Residence Card. If you renew your period of stay, you will have to apply for a new My Number Card. You also must be cautious of moving from one city to another, as you may need to visit the city offices to update you address and register for a new card in your new city.

Applying for a My Number Card

Apply for a My Number Card at your local municipal office. The number of people applying for My Number Cards is on the rise, so many municipalities make it easy to apply; some have separate sections just to handle My Number Card applications. Nevertheless, ask your school or contracting organization for help if you are unsure how.

If you would like to use your My Number Card for digital applications, such as the Extension of Period of Stay online application, make sure that you establish the digital certificates (電子証明書; denshi shōmeisho) when you apply for your My Number Card. The municipal office where you apply should prompt you to establish them without you having to ask for it specifically. You will need to set multiple PINs when establishing the digital certificates, so if the process finishes without setting any PINs, double check with the city hall worker who is helping you.

You will need your Residence Card to apply. It can't hurt to have other forms of ID as a back-up, too.

Uses for the My Number Card

The My Number Card has a variety of uses:

  • Used to verify identity whenever My Number is necessary
  • Can be used as an official identification card for identity verification (But may not be used in place of a Residence card!)
  • Identification for online applications for various administrative procedures (such as extending your Residence Card's Period of Stay)
  • Can be used to register your hanko, or used as a library card, a health insurance card, or a multi-purpose card for a wide range of public services (*)
  • Used for various online transactions (i.e. online banking and bank transfers)
  • It is also possible to use a My Number card to get certified copies of official documents which you may need for a variety of reasons. These certifications can occasionally be obtained at conbinis after presenting a My Number card. (*)

(*)Services are different for each municipality, please contact your local municipal office for more details.

See Also

  • My Number Official Page The official English website with explanations for My Number Card functions and application procedures
  • My Number Application Form A copy of the physical application form in English, which can be used to apply for your My Number Card.