Extension of Period of Stay

JET Program participants are required to renew the Period of Stay of their Residence Card for their fourth and fifth JET years. Extending one's Period of Stay is the responsibility of the JET Participant. You can't apply to extend your Period of Stay until three months before it expires. The expiry date is listed on your Residence Card.
Some people have been able to get a three-year extension on their work Period of Stay. But most likely you will only be allowed to extend your Period of Stay for one year at a time.
Note: The process of applying to renew your Period of Stay is frequently referred to as "extending your visa" colloquially. However the Period of Stay is a feature of your Residence Card, not your visa, technically. JET Participants only use their visa to enter Japan for the first time.
Online applications
If you have a My Number card, you can renew your Period of Stay online. See the Immigration Services Agency web page for details.
Note that applying online is a two-step process: first you have to register with the online application system, then you need to actually apply for the extension. Once registered, you presumably can skip the registration step for subsequent extensions.
You will need:
- My Number Card
- IC reader (or use your Android smartphone with NFC reader)
In-person applications
Extending one's Period of Stay in person takes two separate visits to the Sendai Immigration Bureau in Akita City. See location below. The Bureau is only open weekdays 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00.
Day one
On day one you need to visit the Immigration Office on the 5th floor. Here are the documents you might need. Strangely, the required documents vary on a daily basis, so this list is probably excessive. If you forget some of these documents, they might let you mail the forms in later, but if they don't it would be a hassle, so try to bring them all.
Documents Listed from the Immigration Bureau Website
- Application for Extension of Period of Stay (在留期間更新許可申請書)
- [Instructor Application for Applicant and Organization http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/content/930004092.pdf]

- Photo 40mm×30mm
- Residence Card (在留カード; zairyū kādo)
- Passport.
- Current year's contract.
- New year's contract.
Additional Documents (from previous JET experiences)
- Previous calendar year's Statement of Earnings.
- Resident Tax Certificate (住民証明書; じゅうみんしょうめいしょ; jūmin shōmeisho).
- Income Tax Certificate (納税証明書; のうぜいしょうめいしょ; nōzei shōmeisho).
- Income & Earnings Tax Certificate (所得課税証明書; shotoku kazei shōmeisho). It is possible that with this sheet, the above two sheets are not necessary. But it's safer to bring them all.
- Certificate of employment (在職証明書; ざいしょくしょうめいしょ; zaishoku shōmeisho).
For the Application, fill in the pages labeled 'For applicant, part 1' and 'For applicant, part 2'. Fill in 'For applicant, part 3' if you will have a legal representative doing this process for you. Have your CO fill in 'For organization, part 1'.
On the application, 'For applicant, part 2' question 23 is worded a little strangely in English, "Total period of receiving the foreign language education when you teach the foreign language". Here, they want to know for how many years did you receive an education in the language that you are teaching.
The Resident Tax Certificate, Income Tax Certificate, and Income & Earnings Tax Certificate can be acquired from the Tax/Revenue Department (税務課; ぜいむか; zeimuka) of your local town or city office. In small offices, this office might be part of the Promotion/Promote Department (振興課; しんこうか; shinkōka). The certificates cost about ¥200 each and can be printed fairly quickly.
The Resident Tax Certificate needs to reflect that you paid your taxes. You need to do this before you get your "Resident Tax Certificate" or it won't reflect that you payed your taxes, which is needed for your new visa.
After filing the documents, the officials will ask you to write your address on a postcard. When your visa has been approved, you will receive this postcard in the mail. On the postcard it will list the time frame for when to pick up your visa (only about 10 days).
Day two
Day two is a quick and easy trip. Here's what you need:
- The postcard the Immigration officials sent you.
- Passport.
- Alien Registration Card/Residence Card.
- ¥4,000 for the visa extension.
First, go to the 2nd floor shop and buy ¥4,000 stamps. Then go to the 5th floor immigration office and finish the paperwork.
Sendai Immigration Bureau Location
The office is in the Akita Gōdō Chōsha (秋田合同庁舎, ☎ 0188-95-5221, 〒010-0951 秋田県秋田市山王7-1-3,); the building is SE of Yabase Park.
- Hours: Weekdays 9:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00
Follow-up activities
- Main article: Renewing your Japanese license
- Your drivers license may expire around the same time. This is unrelated to the visa process and you can do either first. A postcard from the driving center should come to your house with details on the renewal process. For many people, the process involves a 2 hour lecture, and for others it takes 5 minutes. You can renew your drivers license up to one month prior to, and one month after your birthday, so you should be able to plan ahead and use a nenkyuu day, should you need to. New drivers licenses have RFID cards, and when you get them, you'll be asked to choose two 4-digit PINs.
See also
- Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau (〒983-0842 仙台市宮城野区五輪1-3-20 仙台第二法務合同庁舎)
- Extension Application Form (PDF). (CAUTION: Outdated!)
- Extension Application Form (Excel). (CAUTION: Outdated!)
- Application form source page (in Japanese).
- Alien registration in Japan (wikipedia)
Note that this information varies from the information listed in the Japanese version of the JET Handbook for 2010 (任用団体用マニュアル; にんようだんたいよう マニュアル). The rules have been changed since then, it seems. If you have any problems, please refer your supervisor to the Japanese link above. Your supervisor can also call the Sendai Immigration Bureau, if there are other questions.
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