User Shaken

From Akita Wiki

User Shaken (ユーザー車検; yūzā shaken) or "self shaken" is the process of obtaining shaken for your car without having your mechanic do it for you. The cost of User Shaken is generally lower than using third-party services.

Note: The process outlined below refers to renewing shaken for a white plate car (普通車; futsūsha) in Akita, in March 2024. The process is different for a yellow plate (軽自動車; kei jidōsha) car.


You need to make an online reservation, and to do that you must first create a user account with NALTEC (The National Agency for Automobile and Land Transport Technology)

  1. Log in to create a reservation.
  2. Select "継続検査" (keizoku) to renew a current shaken, and "普通車" (futsūsha) if you have a regular car.
  3. Select Akita from the Tohoku option.
  4. Select a day (weekdays only) and time. Selecting the earliest time (1st round) may allow you time to get repairs done if needed on the same day.
  5. Scan your current shaken certificate during this process, and this will autofill in all the remaining details.

The Process

  1. Make reservation
  2. Bring your
    1. Current Vehicle Inspection Certificate (自動車検査証; jidōsha kensashō), and
    2. Compulsory Insurance (自動車損害賠償責任保険証明書; jidōsha songai baishō sekinin hoken shōmeisho)
  3. Go to Window ④, and give the documents above. You will be directed to a computer behind you, told to select all 3 options on the screen, and scan your Current Vehicle Inspection Certificate.
  4. Three forms will print out (Inspection Application Form, Weight Tax Payment Slip, Examination Form). Take these back to Window ④, and you will be instructed where to write your name and address on two of the forms (note you must write them exactly as they appear on the Current Vehicle Inspection Certificate. See examples pictures below.
  5. You will be asked if you want to purchase the Compulsory insurance (自動車損害賠償責任証明書; jidōsha songai baishō sekinin shōmeisho)
  6. Next you will be instructed to go to the orange building that you can see through the window to buy stamps (印紙; inshi). The costs will depend on the age and weight of your car. (Example: Testing fee: ¥2,200, Weight Tax: ¥37,800, Compulsory insurance: ¥17,650)
  7. Return to the main building.
  8. You will be asked if you have a Multi-point Vehicle Inspection Form (点検整備記録簿; tenken seibi kirokubo). This is not mandatory.
  9. Take the papers and head to the queue for the inspection.
  10. Follow the instructions; open the hud, turning on and off light, indicators, hazards, fog lights, horn, reverse lights, etc. They will check the emissions, light alignment, brakes, and structure of your vehicle. At the end you will be told if you passed or not.
  11. If you failed on anything, you can go to any car repair shop (there is one right beside the facility) and show them what you failed on, then return to the queue and have just that part rechecked.
  12. If you pass, bring your papers into the main building, and get your official shaken stickers!


Akita Transport Branch Office (秋田運輸支局; Akita Un'yu Shikyoku)
〒010-0816 秋田市泉字登木74-3

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Pros and Cons

  • There are pros and cons to user shaken.

Things not needed

  • Car tax receipt. Unnecessary since Jan 2023.
  • Hanko

Weight tax

Weight tax (自動車重量税; jidōsha jūryōzei) is determined by the age and weight of your car. You can use the chart below to check what your weight tax will cost.
Your Current Vehicle Inspection Certificate provides the car's first registration date and its weight, enabling you to determine your car's age and verify its weight.

Cars not eligible for eco-car tax reduction
Car weight < 13 years old > 13 years old > 18 years old
> 500kg ¥8,200 ¥11,400 ¥12,600
< 1,000 kg ¥16,400 ¥22,800 ¥25,200
< 1,500 kg ¥24,600 ¥34,200 ¥37,800
< 2,000 kg ¥32,800 ¥45,600 ¥50,400
< 2,500 kg ¥41,000 ¥57,000 ¥63,000
< 3,000 kg ¥49,200 ¥68,400 ¥75,600
  • Source
  • Note some cars qualify for an eco-car tax reduction


See also

Traveling in Japan
V • T
Cars Driving DrivingWinter DrivingDriving InfractionsRoadside Station
Licenses International Driving PermitJapanese License Transition (Test Course ElementsTest Course Maps) • Renewing your Japanese License
Ownership Buying a CarLeasing a carTransferring Ownership of a CarDisposing of a CarUser Shaken
Other Transport Trains • Akita Nairiku Line • Shinkansen • Buses • Ferries
Airports Akita AirportOdate-Noshiro AirportNarita International AirportHaneda AirportSendai AirportKansai Airport
Leaving the Country Traveling in and out of Japan • Residence Card • Extension of Period of StayTravel Insurance • Buying Flights & Travel Agents
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