Transferring Ownership of a Car

From Akita Wiki

Selling or purchasing a car requires more than just an agreement between you and the purchaser. You’ll have to officially transfer the ownership, which requires getting hold of the below items, so be sure that the purchaser of your car is aware of them. Please note that the forms may vary by municipality, so check if you must follow any local additional local regulations.

Required paperwork

Some general paperwork is required. There are additional requirements for buyers and sellers.

  • OCR #2 Sheet. The car ownership transfer application form.
  • ¥500.

From the seller

  • Car registration payment receipt.
  • Proof of the transfer of car ownership.
  • Certificate of inkan impression. Received within 3 months of transfer application.
  • Inkan. For stamping forms.
  • Certificate proving your address. Might not be needed.
  • Certificate of compulsory car insurance. Might not be needed.

From the buyer

  • Certificate proving you have a parking space. Dated within 40 days of transfer application.
  • Certificate proving your address.
  • Certificate of compulsory car insurance.
  • Receipt for automobile tax. Might not be needed.

Certificate for parking

The buyer must get a certificate showing they have a parking space. There are some required items which need to be taken to the police station (or perhaps the municipal office).

  • Application form.
  • Map showing the parking space location relative to your residence.
  • Map showing the layout of the parking space.
  • Document showing that you have the parking space owner's consent.
  • ¥2,700 for white plate cards, or ¥500 for yellow plate cars.


  • Akita Land Transport Branch Office (秋田運輸支局 Akita Unyushikyoku).
  • Address: 〒010-0816 秋田市泉字登木74-3.
  • Telephone: 050-5540-2012.
  • Hours: 8:45-12:00, 13:00-16:00.
  • Akita Prefectural Police Headquarters.
  • Address 010-09511-5 Sanno yon-chome, Akita City.
  • Telephone: 018-863-1111.
  • Website: [1].
City Romaji Address Kanji Address Phone Number
Kazuno 100 Hanawa aza Mukouhata, 花輪字向畑100 0186-23-3321
Odate 1-70 Shinmachi 大館市根下戸新町1番70号 0186-42-4111
Kitaakita 1 Takanosuaza Shimoieshita   鷹巣字下家下1番地 0186-62-1245
Noshiro 1-23 Hiyoshi-cho 日吉町1番23号 0185-52-4311
Gojome 178-4 Aza Nanakura, Gojome-machi 五城目町字七倉178番地4 018-852-4100
Oga 1-4 Funakawa aza Shinhama-cho, Funakawa minato 船川港船川字新浜町1-4 0185-23-2233
Akita Rinkō 1-8 Nishi sancho me, Tsuchizaki minato 土崎港西3-1-8 018-845-0141
Akita Chūō 1-9 Senshu meitoku-cho, 千秋明徳町1番9号 018-835-1111
Akita East 60-2 Kamikitade momosaki azauchiyama 上北手百崎字内山60番地2 018-825-5110
Yurihonjo 27 Naka-cho 中町27  0184-23-4111
Nikaho Kisakata Nyudoujima 15-8 象潟町字入道島15番地8 0184-43-2935
Daisen Omagari 1-1-30 Hinodecho 大曲日の出町一丁目1-30号 0187-63-3355
Senboku 34-6 Nishinokawahara, Kakunodate 角館町西野川原34-6 0187-53-2111
Yokote 71 Yasuda aza Koshimawari   安田字越廻71番地 0182-32-2250
Yuzawa 3-5 Icchome, Sengoku-machi 千石町一丁目3-5 0183-73-2127

Registering your seal

For various official paperwork, you need to register your personal seal. If you don't have it registered, technically it's just a stamp without official legal meaning. Once you get it registered, you can get a certificate showing this. The certificate is called 印鑑証明書 (inkan shōmeisho). The process takes a short amount of time at your local public office. Bring your seal, your Alien Registration Card, and a small amount of money. Once you register your seal, you'll probably get a card, which is needed when obtaining subsequent certificates. Each certificate costs ¥250.

Note: If your name on the seal is not in the same characters as your Alien Registration Card (i.e., it is in katakana not romaji) you may have to register your name as shown on the seal on your Alien Registration Card record as well. The office employees are familiar with the process, and they will handle any difficult points.

Cancelling insurance

Depending on your insurance policy, if you cancel mid-year, you can get a refund for the months you haven't used. Some insurance policies do not allow this, though. Contact your company to find out.

Car Disposal

Main page: Disposing of a Car

If you have an old car, maybe nobody will buy it, so the only thing left to do is get it crushed. Failure to do so leads to badness in the long run. There are car disposal companies that you can hire, or if you're buying a new car, the car shop will handle disposing of the old one. In most cases, the disposal company or car shop will handle all of the confusing paperwork, so all you need to do is give them the right papers, the car and car keys, and stamp some forms. They will need several things.

  • Vehicle Inspection Certificate. You should give this to them.
  • Front and back license plates. These are on the car.
  • Certificate of disposal. They should get this on their own.
  • Automobile tax certificate. A receipt showing you paid annual car tax.
  • Disposal authorization letter. They may ask you to sign and stamp a form authorizing them to dispose of the car.
  • Certificate of inkan impression. Can be obtained at your town office.
  • Inkan. So you can stamp the relevant forms.

Once they have all the appropriate forms signed and stamped, they'll crush your car, finish the extra paperwork, take the paperwork to the appropriate municipal office, and your car will be history.

Useful vocabulary

Japanese Romaji English
自動車を廃車する jidōsha wo haisha suru Dispose of a car
OCRシート Ō Shī Āru shīto Application Form (OCR #2 sheet)
手数料納付書 tesūryō nōfusho Receipt for payment of registration fee
譲渡証明書 jōto shōmeisho Proof of the transfer in ownership of the car
印鑑証明書 inkan shōmeisho Certificate of inkan impression
使用者の住所を証する書面 shiyōsha no jūsho wo shōsuru shomen Certificate of proof of address
自動車保管場所証明書 jidōsha hokan basho shōmeisho Automobile storage certificate
車庫証明 shako shōmei Certificate of proof of parking space
委任状 ininjō Letter of attorney
自動車税納付証明書 jidōshazei nōfu shōmeisho Receipt of automobile tax payment
車検書 shakensho Vehicle Inspection Certificate
任意保険 nin'i hoken Voluntary Insurance

See also

Traveling in Japan
V • T
Cars Driving DrivingWinter DrivingDriving InfractionsRoadside Station
Licenses International Driving PermitJapanese License Transition (Test Course ElementsTest Course Maps) • Renewing your Japanese License
Ownership Buying a CarLeasing a carTransferring Ownership of a CarDisposing of a CarUser Shaken
Other Transport Trains • Akita Nairiku Line • Shinkansen • Buses • Ferries
Airports Akita AirportOdate-Noshiro AirportNarita International AirportHaneda AirportSendai AirportKansai Airport
Leaving the Country Traveling in and out of Japan • Residence Card • Extension of Period of StayTravel Insurance • Buying Flights & Travel Agents
Other Topics Exploring AkitaGetting to Tokyo • Akita JET travel guideWhere in the World is Sugichi?Quirky Japan
Leaving JET Checklist
V • T
Preparations Leaving JET • Selling your stuff • Return tickets • Shipping items home
Pension Pension Refund • Basic Pension Number • Pension book
Cars Transferring Ownership of a Car • Disposing of a Car
Career Preparing your resume • Preparing your Japanese resume • Working in Japan
After Leaving Reverse culture shock