Pension book

From Akita Wiki
Pension Book

The Pension Book (年金手帳) is a small book that you should receive shortly after arriving in Japan. It should be either orange or blue, and the front should have four kanji that read 年金手帳 (Nenkin Techou). When it comes time for you to apply for your pension refund, you will need to send it in with your application. If your school or contracting organization is holding onto this for you be sure to get this from them before you leave the country.

Lost Pension Book

Although you would think they would have electronic records backing up something as important as your pension, it appears that under no circumstances can you get your pension refunded without this little blue book. If you do misplace your pension book, you can apply to any regional office of the Social Insurance Agency (社会保険事務所) and get a replacement book. A list of the offices in Akita can be found below.

List of Social Insurance Agency branches in Akita

Akita City

  • Akita Social Insurance Agency (秋田社会保険事務局)
    〒010-0931秋田県秋田市川元山下町5-21 (map)
    ☎ 018-883-1650
  • Akita Pension Office (秋田年金事務所)
    〒010-8565秋田県秋田市保戸野鉄砲町5-20 (map)
    ☎ 018-865-2391
    Fax: 018-864-3929


  • 本荘
    〒015-8505秋田県由利本荘市表尾崎町21-2 (map)
    ☎ 0184-24-1111
    Fax: 0184-22-8329


  • 鷹巣
    〒018-3370秋田県北秋田市花園町18-1 (map)
    ☎ 0186-62-1490
    Fax: 0186-62-9429


  • 大曲
    〒014-0027秋田県大仙市大曲通町6-26 (map)
    ☎ 0187-63-2296
    Fax: 0187-63-7429

See also

Leaving JET Checklist
V • T
Preparations Leaving JET • Selling your stuff • Return tickets • Shipping items home
Pension Pension Refund • Pension book
Cars Transferring Ownership of a Car • Disposing of a Car
Career Returners Checklist • Preparing your resume • Preparing your Japanese resume • Working in Japan
After Leaving Reverse culture shock
V • T
Banks Banking in Japan • Paychecks • ATMs • GoRemit • Post Office Remittance • Western Union
US Tax Returns Tax Guides
Japanese Pension Pension RefundPension book
Other FinancesTaxes in Japan