Pass the Ball

From Akita Wiki
Target levelJHS
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  1. Students sit is a circle.
  2. While playing some music, the students pass a ball around.
  3. When the music stops, the ALT shows the students a card with a time on it. The student needs to use the appropriate greeting for that time of day. The time could be written in digital time or a face clock with a picture to explain the time of day.


  • Gather different sports balls for each row of students, such as a tennis ball, soccer ball, baseball, basketball, badminton birdie, and volleyball, and place them in front of the classroom. To begin, the first row of students stands up. When the teacher says, “Go,” each person must run and grab a ball of their choice and run back to their row and say the target sentence, “I like/play (sport that matches the ball).” The student then passes the ball to the next person in the row as fast as he can. The ball gets passed back until the entire tow has said the sentence. The row that finishes first receives 6 points, second place receives 5 points, third receives 4 points etc. Continue until all the rows have had a turn.
  • Using a beach ball, tape different countries onto the ball. Have the students get into a circle. One student starts by first calling a student’s name and asking “Are you from ____?” The student throws the ball. The student called catches the ball. They look at their right hand to see what country it is touching. If it is the same country the thrower mentioned, the catcher answers, ‘Yes, I am.” If it is a different country, the catcher answers, “No, I am not.” The ball is then thrown to another student.

See also