Senior high school speech contest

From Akita Wiki

There are (at least) two speech contests for senior high schools here in Akita Prefecture.

  • All Akita Senior High School Oratorical Contest (秋田県高等学校英語弁論・暗唱大会; akita ken kōtōgakkō eigo benron anshō taikai)
    a speech and recitation contest in Akita Prefecture. It is administered by the Akita Prefecture Board of Education and the All Akita Senior High School English Education Society. It first started in 1949.
  • All Japan Inter-Commercial High School English Speech Contest (全国商業高等学校英語 スピーチコンテスト; zenkoku shōgyō kōtōgakkō eigo speech contest)
    a national speech contest. It is administered by MEXT and sponsored by the National Association of Commercial High Schools. It first started in 1984. The preliminary contest (秋田県予選) is held in Akita every October.

See also