What am I?

From Akita Wiki
Group quiz.
Target levelJHS
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There are many ways to use What am I? quizzes. The easiest is to put the students in groups and give them hints. If you have time, you could have students make their own quiz.


  1. Make groups of 4 or 5.
  2. Read each hint twice.
  3. Let the first group guess what the object is. If they get it wrong, let the next group guess.
  4. Keep score on the board.


  1. I'm white and black. I swim. I'm a bird. What am I? (penguin)
  2. I'm small. I'm white. You throw and catch me. What am I? (baseball)
  3. My nose is big. I'm grey. What am I? (elephant)
  4. I play baseball. I am Japanese. I'm in Seattle. Who am I? (Ichiro)
  5. You eat me. I'm white and yellow. I'm round. What am I? (egg)
  6. I'm white and black. I'm round. You kick me. What am I? (soccer ball)
  7. I'm pink and green and brown. I'm beautiful. What am I? (cherry tree)
  8. I'm white and cold. I fall. What am I? (snow)
  9. I'm made of rice. There's anko in me. I'm sweet. What am I? (daifuku)
  10. I'm an animal. I'm brown and black. I'm very fast. What am I? (cheetah)
  11. I'm an animal. I'm white and black. I like bamboo. What am I? (panda)
  12. I'm very big. I'm in Shizuoka-ken and Yamanashi-ken. What am I? (Mt. Fuji)
  13. I'm a person. I'm red and white. I have many presents. Who am I? (Santa)
  14. My ears are big. I'm small. I'm white and grey. What am I? (rabbit)
  15. I'm a food. I'm brown. I taste bad. What am I? (natto)
  16. I'm in a Miyazaki movie. I'm grey and white. I'm big and happy. Who am I? (Totoro)
  17. I'm orange and round. You dunk me. You shoot me. What am I? (basketball)
  18. I'm brown and grey. I have four legs. You sit on me. What am I? (chair)
  19. I'm a sport. I have 2 players. I have a small white ball. What am I? (table tennis)
  20. I'm in Chokai Town. I'm big and white. I have 162 students. What am I? (Chokai JHS)

See also