Yurihonjo garbage collection
In Yurihonjō trash is collected free of charge by your local municipality. For large items, however, there is a fee. Pick up days vary depending on location.
- Separate your waste into the correct category and use appropriate bags.
- Place your garbage at the designated pick-up points between 6am and 8am on the day of collection.
- Always write your name and district or apartment on the bags, boxes, or stickers. When using clear recycling bags, also write the name of what you are recycling. ビン=glass, 缶=can, PET=pet bottles.
- Please collect empty plastic trays for bottles on the same day.
- Golden Week and New Year holidays have special schedules.
Burnable Garbage
Yellow bag. Collected twice a week, except on holidays. Food waste (drain well and tie in bags), wooden chips (cut to appropriate size), rubber/leather goods, toothbrushes, polyethylene vessels, video/cassette tapes, CDs, plastic rulers, plastic bottle caps, plastic washbowls, clothes and shoes, fresh flowers, aluminium foil, cooking oil (harden or soak into paper), cigarette butts, food trays, shells, diapers (remove waste), styrofoam packing, plastic and soft toys.
Non-burnable Garbage
Blue bag. Collected once a month, including holidays. China, vases, window glass, cosmetics bottles, light bulbs, fluorescent lights, toasters, video sets, radio cassette recorders, rice cookers and related kitchen appliances, metal toys, kettle/water heaters, glass, pots and pans, metals, spray cans (make holes so they don't explode), food glass bottles. Items which are smaller than specific bags are acceptable. Larger items are accepted if they are dismantled or smashed to fit into the bags. Items that do not fit into specified bags are treated as bulky items.
No bag. Collected once or twice a month depending on where you live. Newspapers, magazines, corrugated paper and cardboard. Break down all items. You may also recycle milk cartons this way after cleaning. Tie same sized items together with paper string.
Glass Bottles
Clear bag or glass bottle plastic tray. Collected once or twice a month depending on where you live. Alcohol/juice bottles. This does not include the following (which are non-burnable trash): glasses, nursing bottles, heat resistant glasses, cosmetics, broken glass, food glass bottles. Do not mix glass bottles and cans in the same bag.
Clear bag. Collected twice a month. Juice, beer, canned food cans and lids. This does not include the following (which are non-burnable trash): oily cans, large cans, spray cans, cartridge propane gas, etc. Do not mix glass bottles and cans in the same bag.
PET Bottles
Clear bag. Collected once or twice a month depending on where you live. Soft drink bottles, soy sauce bottles. Any plastic item with the PET symbol. Remove caps (these are burnable garbage), remove any waste from inside the bottle and rinse. Remove labels and squash if possible. This does not include the following (which are typically burnable): non-marked PET, soap, shampoo, sauce, cooking oil, salad dressing, cosmetics, chemicals.
Bulky (large) Refuse
Collected twice a year on specific dates. Sofas, heaters, bicycles. Contact the local municipal office or city hall and purchase stickers which must be placed on large items.
Used Batteries
Collected twice a year on specific dates. Put in small bags and take to your local garbage pick up point. Specific dates will be printed on the municipal newsletter issued in April of that year. It is easier to take your batteries to K's Denki, which has a free disposal bin just inside the front door. You can also take your used batteries to you place of work and ask if they have a battery recycling bin.
Prohibited Refuse
Not collected. TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, tires, motorcycles, car wheels, fire extinguishers, propane gas, cylinders, etc. To dump these items, ask the local dump or specialty stores which sell them.

Paper (紙) | |
Plastic (プラ) | |
Aluminium (アルミ) | |
Steel (スチール) | |
PET bottles |
Local Small Recycling Locations
- Grocers: Large grocery stores such as Aeon and Gran Mart usually have large recycling bins and services for the community. What can be recycled varies by location. Common bins and services: plastic food trays, styrofoam food trays, aluminum cans (drink and food), steel cans (drink and food), PET bottles, all paper recyclables.
- Yamaya: Collects glass bottles for recycling outside of the store. Sort by color.
Honjō City Minseibu (本荘市民生部) Kankyobousaika (かんきょう防災課) Seikatsukankyotaisakushitsu (生活環境対策室) Tel: 0184-24-6252
See also
- Yurihonjō
- Yurihonjo Waste and Garbage Disposal Guide (Limited English)
- Yurihonjo Dump Information (Japanese)
- Honjo Waste and Garbage Disposal Guide (English)
- Honjo Garbage Schedule