3 Items Flashcards

From Akita Wiki
Flashcards with 3 items to be compared
Target levelJHS
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These are flashcards to be printed and used in the classroom with different games or review activities. It's an easy way to ask the students to use superlatives and comparatives. For example, it can be used with the Pac-man Kriss Kross.

How to

Print these pictures and write the associated adjective under it. Use a big size paper like A3 of B3. Write the desired adjective on the bottom part of the sheet (this way, it will end up on the back of the flashcard). It should look like this.

Pictures here
Adjective here

Fold the sheet in 2 and laminate it.

Adjectives ending in ~er and ~est

Adjectives with more and most

Good-best-better or Bad-worse-worst

See also