Hinai Special Education School

From Akita Wiki
The old Hinai Special Education School Logo - the 養 character stands for the school's old name, 比内養護学校 (Hinai Yōgo Gakkō)
Name Hinai Special Education School
Name (Japanese) 秋田県立比内支援学校
Location Hinai, Odate
Telephone ☎ 0186-55-2131
Fax 0186-55-2132
Website http://www.hinai-s.akita-pref.ed.jp//
Email ✉hinai-s@akita-pref.ed.jp
Address (Japanese) 〒018-5741 秋田県大館市比内町達子字前田野1-2

This is a school for special education students. It is a combined elementary, junior high and senior high school.

This school operates two branch schools:


This school was founded in 1974 as 比内養護学校 (Hinai Yōgo Gakkō) in then Hinai Town (currently Odate City).

On April 1, 2016 this school changed its name to 比内支援学校 (Hinai Shien Gakkō).

In 2020, this school introduced their new logo. The logo is used by its branch schools as well.

See Also