Jinego Elementary School
From Akita Wiki
Name | Jinego Elementary School |
Name (Japanese) | 笹子小学校 |
Location | Jinego, Chōkai, Yurihonjō |
Address (Japanese) | 〒015-0721 秋田県由利本荘市鳥海町上笹子字堺台65 |
Address | Sakaidai 65 Kami-Jinego, Chōkai Yurihonjō, Akita 〒015-0721 JAPAN |
This school closed in March 2013. Its students moved to the newly opened Chokai Elementary School.
Year | Students |
2012-2013 | 67 |
2011-2012 | 77 |
2010-2011 | 88 |
2009-2010 | 89 |
2008-2009 | 97 |
2007-2008 | 106 |
This is the school's history. The information (in Japanese) was obtained from the school itself.
Date | Era | 年 | ||
1874 | School established. | 明治 | 7 | 創立 |
1883-08 | New school building construction complete. | 16.8 | 校舎新築落成 | |
1894-12-03 | Shimo-Jinego Branch School established. | 27.12.3 | 下笹子分校設置 | |
1902-02-22 | Shimo-Jinego Branch School becomes a standalone school. | 35.2.22 | 下笹子分校独立して本校となる | |
1902-05-11 | Nishikume Branch School established. | 35.5.11 | 西久米分校設置 | |
1909-04-03 | School building catches fire. | 42.4.3 | 校舎類焼 | |
1911-09 | School building complete. | 44.9 | 校舎落成 | |
1922-04-01 | Ohira Branch School established. | 大正 | 11.4.1 | 太平分校設置 |
1927-04 | Noyake Branch School established. | 昭和 | 2.4 | 野宅分校設置 |
1949-04-01 | The 3 branch schools adopt regular 2-class system. | 24.4.1 | 3分校とも常置2学級となる | |
1950-12-01 | Kami-Tsubaki Branch School and Harimizu Winter Branch School established. | 25.12.1 | 上椿・針水冬季分校開設 | |
1955-04-01 | School name changes to "鳥海村立笹子小学校". | 30.4.1 | 鳥海村立笹子小学校となる | |
1955-11 | Mizunashi Winter Branch School established. | 30.11 | 水無冬季分校開設 | |
1961-11-15 | Schoolyard expansion. | 36.11.15 | 校庭拡張 | |
1962-04-01 | 3 branch schools add milk to school lunch. | 37.4.1 | 3分校ミルク給食開始 | |
1964-11 | School song is written. | 39.11 | 校歌制定 | |
1966-10-01 | Nishikume Branch School complete. | 41.10.1 | 西久米分校完成 | |
1967-08-20 | Nishikume Branch School gymnasium construction complete. | 42.8.20 | 西久米分校体育館竣工 | |
1970-11 | Main school building construction phase 1 complete. | 45.11 | 校舎改築第一期工事完了 | |
1971-11-17 | Main school building construction phase 2 gym complete. | 46.11.17 | 校舎改築第二期工事で体育館完成 | |
1972-03-31 | Ohira Branch School closes. | 47.3.31 | 太平分校廃止 | |
1972-12 | Jinego Elementary-Junior High School joint kitchen complete. | 47.12 | 笹子小中学校共同調理場完成 | |
1974-09-18 | School centennial ceremony. | 49.9.18 | 創立百周年記念式典 | |
1975-04-30 | For prefectural tree-planting day, award for planting trees and the environment is received. | 50.4.30 | 県植樹祭で環境緑化優秀賞を受賞 | |
1976-07-19 | In the courtyard, playground construction is complete. | 51.7.19 | 中庭プレーグラウンド及び芝生完成 | |
1978-03-18 | Nishikumi Branch School and Noyake Branch School merge with main school. Kami-Tsubaki Branch School, Harimizu Branch School, and Mizunashi Branch School close. |
53.3.18 | 西久米・野宅分校本校に統合 上椿・針水・水無各冬季分校廃止 |
1979-03-31 | In a windstorm, the south roof and gymnasium are damaged. | 54.3.31 | 暴風雨で南面屋根と体育館破風全面損壊 | |
1980-11-01 | Administrative redistricting occurs, and the school becomes "鳥海町立笹子小学校". | 55.11.1 | 町制施行、鳥海町立笹子小学校と改まる | |
1981-02-24 | School awarded special prize by table tennis federation. | 56.2.24 | 学体連卓球特別賞を授与 | |
1984-04-01 | "Welfare of the Heart" 3-year research project is awarded. | 59.4.1 | 「福祉の心」研究委嘱(3年間) | |
1984-09-18 | Chokai area academic instruction research meeting held. | 59.9.18 | 鳥海地区学習指導研究会公開 | |
1988-10-01 | District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. Acknowledgement for 5 successive championships. |
63.10.1 | 郡市卓球大会、女子団体優勝 (5連覇表彰を受ける) |
1988-11-22 | Statue of child placed in courtyard. | 63.11.22 | 中庭に子供像建立 | |
1988-12-12 | Chuo area dormitory research meeting held. | 63.12.12 | 中央地区寄宿舎研修会開催 | |
1989-10-20 | Area research meeting on Japanese and science. | 平成 | 元年10.20 | 地区公開研究会(国語科学習) |
1990-06-20 | District baseball tournament: 3rd place. | 2.6.20 | 郡市野球大会3位入賞 | |
1991-10-05 | District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. | 3.10.5 | 郡市卓球大会女子団体優勝 | |
1992-05-06 | Cavity prevention program implemented. | 4.5.6 | 「虫歯予防」学校保健会推進指定 | |
1993-02-16 | Jinego Hirameki Group donates 3-dimensional village map. | 5.2.16 | 笹子ひらめき会より「笹子地区立体模型地図」寄贈 | |
1993-09-25 | District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. | 5.9.25 | 郡市卓球大会 女子団体優勝 | |
1993-10-04 | Cavity prevention program research meeting. | 5.10.4 | 「虫歯予防」学校保健推進公開研究会開催 | |
1994-09-29 | School dentistry program recognized for quality. | 6.9.29 | 学校歯科保健推進優秀校として表彰 | |
1994-11-02 | School health program recognized for quality. | 6.11.2 | 健康推進優秀校として表彰 | |
1995-05-11 | School recognized for safe commuting practices. | 7.5.11 | 交通安全優良校として表彰 | |
1995-10-02 | District table tennis tournament: Girls 1st place. | 7.10.2 | 郡市卓球大会 女子団体優勝 | |
1995-10-31 | Large-scale school renovation complete. | 7.10.31 | 校舎大規模改修完成 | |
1996-07-07 | District table tennis tournament: Recognition for school excellence. | 8.7.7 | 郡市卓球大会で優秀学校賞受賞 | |
1996-08-24 | Participation in Matsunoki Tunnel Opening Event. | 8.8.24 | 松ノ木トンネル開通イベント参加 | |
1996-09-10 | Major gymnasium repair complete. | 8.9.10 | 体育館大改修工事完成 | |
1996-11-17 | 1996 Sasanoko Festival. | 8.11.17 | 笹の子フェスティバル96開催 | |
1997-02-05 | Parent-child ski tournament at Okojoland Ski Area. | 9.2.5 | 親子スキー大会を町営オコジョランドスキー場で開催 | |
1997-04-15 | Jinego Elementary School support group inauguration. Agriculture experience program created. | 9.4.15 | 笹子小学校後援会発足 農業体験実習校として栽培体験学習に取り組む | |
1997-11-16 | Sasanoko marching song written. | 9.11.16 | 「笹の子音頭」完成 | |
1998-10-30 | District rural area cultural exchange meeting. | 10.10.30 | 郡市へき地交流会を開催 | |
1998-11-08 | 1998 Sasanoko Festival. A CD is produced. |
10.11.8 | 笹の子フェスティバル98を開催 CDを制作する |
1999-05-30 | Sports day for Jinego Elementary School independence held. | 11.5.30 | 笹子小学校単独で運動会を開催する | |
1999-11-07 | 1999 Sasanoko Festival. | 11.11.7 | 笹の子フェスティバル99を開催 | |
2000-11-05 | 2000 Sasanoko Festival. | 12.11.5 | 笹の子フェスティバル2000を開催 | |
2001-02-05 | "Hometown" cards created at Dream Up project. | 13.2.5 | ドリームアップ事業でふるさとカルタ完成 | |
2001-10-21 | District table tennis tournament: Boys 1st place. | 13.10.21 | 郡市卓球大会 男子団体優勝 | |
2003-06 | With support of Dream Up Project, exchange event with Sendo Elementary School held. | 15.6 | ドリームプロジェクト支援事業で仙道小学校と交流する | |
2003-07-07 | Pool repairs. | 15.7.7 | プール改修 | |
2003-08-22 | Kitchen improvement complete. | 15.8.22 | 調理場改修 | |
2004-04-13 | Prize for excellence for "Dreams of Science in the Future" picture exhibition. | 16.4.13 | 「未来の科学夢画展」全国優秀賞を受賞 | |
2004-10-13 | "Jinenko Shinbun" insert in Akita Sakigake Newspaper for 130 year anniversary. | 16.10.13 | 秋田魁新報社に創立130周年「じねんこ新聞」が掲載される | |
2004-10-23 | School celebrates 130 year anniversary at Sasanoko Festival. "Jinenko Plaza" unveiling ceremony. | 16.10.23 | 創立130周年記念笹の子フェスティバルを開催 「じねんこ広場」除幕式開催 | |
2005-06-04 | District track meet: 1st place, boys 400 meter relay. | 17.6.4 | 郡市小学校陸上競技大会 男子400Mリレー優勝 | |
2005-06-12 | District table tennis tournament: Boys 1st place, Girls 1st place. | 17.6.12 | 郡市卓球大会 男女総合優勝 | |
2005-06-21 | "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. | 17.6.21 | 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催) | |
2005-07-21 | All-Akita track meet: 3rd place, boys 400 meter relay. | 17.7.21 | 秋田県少年少女陸上競技大会 男子400Mリレー第3位入賞 | |
2005-10-20 | "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. | 17.10.20 | 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催) | |
2006-05-24 | First crime prevention volunteer group meeting. "Watching over Jinenko" committee established. | 18.5.24 | 第1回防犯ボランティア立ち上げの会を開催し、「笹ん子を見守る会」を設立する | |
2006-06-22 | "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. | 18.6.22 | 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催) | |
2006-10-26 | "A School Day for Everyone" 3-day program. | 18.10.26 | 「みんなの登校日」実施(3日間開催) | |
2006-10-28 | 2006 Sasanoko Festival. | 18.10.28 | 笹の子フェスティバル2006を開催する | |
2006-11-08 | Usui memorial dental health merit award received. | 18.11.8 | 臼井記念歯科保健功労賞を受賞する | |
2007-07-28 | Participants in All-Japan table tennis tournament. | 19.7.28 | 全日本卓球選手権大会参加 | |
2007-07-30 | Honjo Marina Oasis picture gallery production. | 19.7.30 | 本荘マリーナオアシス画廊製作作業参加 | |
2007-10-26 | "A School Day for Everyone" 2-day program. | 19.10.26 | 「みんなの登校日」実施(2日間開催) | |
2007-10-27 | 2007 Sasanoko Festival. | 19.10.27 | 笹の子フェスティバル2007を開催する | |
2008-02-14 | Public acknowledgement for adoption of health safety practices. | 20.2.14 | 保健安全実践活動優秀校として表彰 | |
2008-10-17 | Prefectural branch chairman's prize, "Dreaming of Science" picture contest. | 20.10.17 | 「科学ゆめ画展」発明協会県支部長賞 | |
2008-10-25 | City cooperative chairman's prize, "Dreaming of Science" picture contest. | 20.10.25 | 「科学ゆめ画展」市発明振興協会長賞 | |
2008-10-29 | 2008 Sasanoko Festival. Prize for excellence awarded by prefectural school agriculture group. "Study on the fertilization of rice." |
20.10.29 | 笹の子フェスティバル2008を開催する 県学校農園展「優良賞」受賞 「稲の発芽と受粉の観察」 |
2009-01-30 | Parent-child ski tournament at Okojoland Ski Area. | 21.1.30 | 親子スキー大会をオコジョランドスキー場で開催 | |
2010-02-16 | Public acknowledgement for adoption of health safety practices. | 22.2.16 | 保健安全実践活動優秀校として表彰 |
See also
- Jinego ES School Song.
- Wikimedia Commons. Pictures of the school on Wikimedia Commons.
- dperkins.org. 2007-2012 ALT Douglas's blog on the school.