Kawauchi Elementary School
From Akita Wiki
Name | Kawauchi Elementary School |
Name (Japanese) | 川内小学校 |
Location | Kawauchi, Chōkai, Yurihonjō |
Address (Japanese) | 〒015-0503 秋田県由利本荘市鳥海町栗沢字上田野5の1 |
Address | Uedano 5-1 Kurisawa, Chōkai Yurihonjō, Akita 〒015-0503 JAPAN |
This school closed in March 2013. Its students moved to the newly opened Chokai Elementary School.
Year | Students | ALT |
2012-2013 | 116 | Russell Kabir |
2011-2012 | 123 | Douglas Perkins |
2010-2011 | 134 | Douglas Perkins |
2009-2010 | 138 | Douglas Perkins |
2008-2009 | 134 | Douglas Perkins |
2007-2008 | 139 | Douglas Perkins |
Date | Era | 年 | ||
1874-07-07 | Kami-Kawa School opens. | 明治 | 7.7.1 | 上川学校創立 |
1879-11 | Kami-Kawa School splits into two schools: Kami-Kawa School and Hirane School. | 12.11 | 上川小学校が分かれて上川学校と平根学校になる。 | |
1882-04 | Shimo-Kawa School changes its name to Kōya School. | 15.4 | 下川学校を興屋学校と称す。 | |
1882-04 | Hirane and Kami-Kawa merge. Kogawa and Kōya become branch schools. | 15.4 | 平根学校と上川学校が合併、小川と興屋は分校となる。 | |
1888-04 | A major education revision occurs. The school becomes Kami-Kawa Simple School. | 21.4 | 簡易科設置、上川簡易学校と改称す。 | |
1892-04 | A major education revision occurs. The school becomes Kawauchi Common Elementary School. Kōya Branch School becomes independent and its name becomes Kōya Common Elementary School. |
25.4 | 尋常科を設置し、川内尋常小学校と改める。 興屋分校独立し、興屋尋常小学校となる。 |
1901-04 | Kōya and Kawauchi merge, becoming Kawauchi Common Elementary School. | 34.4 | 川内、興屋両校合併し、川内尋常小学校と改める。 | |
1902 | A new school building for Kawauchi Common Elementary School is built at Uedano. | 35 | 上田野の現在地に、川内尋常小学校を建てる。 | |
1903-04-19 | 5th and 6th grade are added to the school, and the school becomes 川内尋常高等小学校. | 36.4.19 | 高等科を併置、川内尋常高等小学校と改称す。 | |
1922-09 | A school building addition is completed. | 大正 | 11.9 | 校舎を新増築。 |
1924-07 | School building addition completed. | 13.7 | 校舎を新増築。 | |
1927 | Supplementary education building addition completed. | 昭和 | 2.10 | 小学校増築、補習学校新校舎落成。 |
1929-08 | Uedano Sports Ground is completed. | 4.8 | 上田野運動場拡張。 | |
1935-03-26 | School song is written for 60 year anniversary celebration. | 10.3.26 | 校歌制定(60周年記念)。 | |
1940-10-10 | Uedano Sports Ground is expanded. | 15.10.10 | 上田野グランド拡張。 | |
1941-04-01 | The school becomes Kawauchi National Elementary School. Because of the wartime nationalistic influence, elementary schools in Japan changed to this system from 1941 to 1947. |
16.4.1 | 国民学校令により、川内国民学校と改称。 | |
1956-05-10 | A big fire occurs at the Hirane school. 45 students and 1 teacher are affected. | 31.5.10 | 平根部落大火、児童54名、教師1名罹災す。 | |
1959-05-01 | School flag is created. | 34.5.1 | 校旗制定。 | |
1967-11-01 | New school building completed. | 40.11.1 | 新校舎第二期工事完了。 | |
1967-11-02 | Water pipe construction complete. For the first time, the school has running water. | 40.11.2 | 水道工事完了、校舎に給水開始。 | |
1970-06 | Limited school lunch program begins. | 43.6 | 学校給食開始(牛乳)。 | |
1973-02 | Full student lunch program begins. | 46.2 | 完全給食開始。 | |
1976-09-01 | The school celebrates its centennial. | 49.9.1 | 創立百周年記念式典を行う。 | |
1978-08-01 | The PTA assists the school in creating a rock garden. | 51.8.1 | PTA奉仕により、岩石園を造成す。 | |
1982-09-01 | Town public research meeting focusing on mathematics. | 55.9.1 | 町公開研究会(算数)。 | |
1982-11 | The school name becomes 鳥海町立川内小学. | 55.11 | 町制施行、鳥海町立川内小学校と改称。 | |
1985-02-02 | School receives a thank-you letter from the prefectural school insurance promotion group. | 58.2.2 | 県学校保険推進校として感謝状を受ける。 | |
1985-07 | Uedano Ground is expanded. Restrooms are built there. | 60.7 | 上田野グランド拡張、屋外トイレ設置。 | |
1985-10 | Area public research meeting focusing on Japanese. | 60.10 | 鳥海地区公開研究会(国語)。 | |
1986-09-01 | Library and music room construction complete. | 61.9.1 | 図書館、音楽室校舎工事完了。 | |
1989-02 | Gymnasium renovation complete. | 平成 | 元年8.2 | 体育館、改修工事完了。 |
1990-08 | Staff room, staff changing room, and staff restrooms are rebuilt. | 2.8 | 職員トイレ、更衣室、用務員室工事完了。 | |
1990-10 | Chōkai area public research meeting. | 2.10 | 鳥海地区公開研究会。 | |
1992-08 | 1st major reconstruction is completed. Toilets are converted to flush toilets. | 4.8 | 第一期大規模改修工事完了、水洗トイレ完備。 | |
1993-04-01 | Kogawa Elementary School merges with Kawauchi Elementary School. | 5.4.1 | 小川小学校と統合。 | |
1993-10 | 2nd major reconstruction is completed. | 5.10 | 第二期大規模改修工事完了。 | |
1994-06-09 | The school celebrates its 125th anniversary. | 6.6.9 | 創立百二十周年記念事業として航空写真撮影。 | |
1995-09-01 | Area public research meeting. | 7.9.1 | 地区公開研究会。 | |
1998-08-02 | Lunch room construction completed. | 10.8.2 | 給食室改修工事完了。 | |
1999-01-02 | Computer room is completed. | 11.1.2 | コンピュータ室工事完了。 | |
2000-08-20 | 20th National PTA Public Relations Paper Contest commendation. | 12.8.20 | 第二十二回全国PTA広報紙コンクールで表彰。 | |
2001-08-24 | A dumbwaiter is installed for getting lunches up to the classrooms. | 13.8.24 | ダムウェーター(給食運搬昇降機)取り付け工事 | |
2001-08 | Fluorescent lighting is added. | 13.8 | 照明器具改修工事(蛍光灯)。 | |
2002-08 | Flush toilets are added next to the school kitchen. | 14.8 | 調理員用水洗トイレ工事完了。 | |
2003-07-18 | Security assurance system is introduced. | 15.7.18 | 警備保障システム導入。 | |
2007-10-18 | Chōkai area public research meeting focusing on mathematics. | 19.10.18 | 鳥海地区公開研究会(算数)。 | |
2007-11-20 | Genuine performing arts group Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra performs at school. | 19.11.20 | 本物の舞台芸術体験事業「仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団」 | |
2008 | Symbolic willow tree is destroyed. 25 year forecast is made. | 20 | シンボルの柳の木倒壊,25年統合の見通しが立つ | |
2009-09-05 | For 135 year anniversary, picture of school taken by airplane. | 21.9.5 | 創立百三十五周年記念事業として航空写真撮影 | |
2010-10-22 | Hosts Yurihonjo City Minami Block research meeting. | 22.10.22 | 由利本荘市(南ブロック)授業実践研究会 | |
2011-06-09 | Designation as "Flower of Civil Liberties". School integration preparation committee is formed. | 23.6.9 | 『人権の花』の指定を受け,植栽活動に取り組む | |
2011-09 | Music experience event. | 23.9 | 番楽体験を行う | |
2012-10-07 | Ceremony commemorating closing of the school. | 24.10.7 | 閉校記念式典を行う | |
2013-03-31 | Kawauchi Elementary School's 139 years of history comes to a close. | 25.3.31 | 川内小学校139年の歴史を閉じる |
The above Japanese is taken from [1], and the English is a translation of it.
See also
- Memorial Mitegoran. The Kawauchi Elementary School unofficial school song.
- Wikimedia Commons. Pictures of the school.
- dperkins.org. 2007-2012 ALT Douglas's blog on the school.