The Sakana-San
The Lore of the Sakana-San

Long ago, in the Magical land of Nippon, a great eruption of ash and fire spewed forth from the jaws of Mt. Kanpuzan. With it came the manifestation of the Namahage, Foul creatures from the bowels of hell whose mere presence struck fear in the loving and compassionate peoples of Akita. Consumed by darkness and hunger, the Namahage swept across the land, wreaking havoc amongst villages and stealing children to feast upon within the fiery chasms of Kanpuzan. For 100 years, the Namahages' reign of terror gripped the land, and the people began to lose hope. However, even in the darkest of times, the light had not faded as a young boy named Yuji, filled with vengeance in his heart at the loss of his younger sister, sought to destroy the Namahage. Clad in a small liquor barrel, wielding a wooden pot lid and a bamboo stick, he journeyed to Kanpuzan to vanquish the fiery ogres and restore peace and prosperity to the Akitan people. The young Yuji cried out for revenge at the Gate of the fiery mountain basin, summoning the great Namahage Prince Kurochi. The young Yuji attacked without words but was blown out to sea by the towering Kurochi's powerful breath.
The young Yuji awoke with sand in his mouth, dried-out hair, and skin to find himself on a small island. Gazing out to sea, the Young Yuji saw the smoking mountain from where he had been dispatched. Determined to return, he began to swim toward the Namahages' kingdom. However, the waves were too much for the young warrior, becoming consumed by the mighty sea. Yuji awoke once again underwater, surrounded by a group of Shōjō. Frightened by their presence, Yuji lay still until one Shōjō spoke. "Your skin smells of liquor, but you do not look or feel like liquor. What are you?" queried the Shōjō. Yuji opened his eyes and looked at the puzzled Shōjō. "I am a Warrior." stated Yuji, "a warrior with a purpose to bring harmony to my people and their lands!" The Shōjō squinted and tilted their heads. "A warrior with a purpose, you say. We Shōjō have not seen a warrior for quite some time." The Shōjō sat down, surrounding the young boy. "Tell us more about this purpose." Yuji shared his quest with the curious Shōjō. The Shōjō took an interest in the young boy's courage and beholden quest. "You have taken on a great task." said the Shōjō. "We shall take you to see the great Ume-Hime; share your tale with her, and she will bless you with good fortune." Both Yuji and the Shōjō traveled to an underwater shrine to meet Ume-Hime. Yuji was mesmerized by Umi-Hime. Her shell was prismatic, and her eyes sparkled with rays of soft light. "Oh great, Umi-Hime!" said the lead Shōjō. "Hear this young boy's story and grant him a favor so he can bring peace to his lands," Yuji spoke, and Umi-Hime listened. Without speaking, Ume-Hime moved her fins in various motions and conjured a great fish of red and gold scales with blueish-green fins and a translucent tail. "Go forth, young Yuji, ride this great fish back to the land and complete your quest." cried the Shōjō. "For Umi-Hime has placed favor in you." Yuji and the great fish departed.
Back on the shores of the mainland, Yuji dismounted the fish, who transformed into a humanoid being and spoke, much to the surprise of the young warrior. "I have delivered you to the shores of Nippon, but my duty charted by the Great Umi-Hime has not been fulfilled. I shall journey with thee to the Namahage lands and help you complete your quest for harmony." said the once great fish, now humanoid. Yuji looked surprised yet elated. "Oh, great fish...or man, what shall I call you?" "Call me Sakana-San," said Sakana-San. "I am here to serve until my purpose has been fulfilled."Sakana-San then shed his scales to create a breastplate for the boy and a shield to carry. "Wear my scales well, and it shall protect you from the magics cast upon you by the Namahage, for my scales are vibrant and true; nothing shall pass through them unto you." Yuji dawned the gleaming breastplate and shield. "Use my shield to show the Namahage what they truly are. They will become paralyzed with fear and move no more. With a shield in hand, Yuji began to walk towards the mountain of fire only to turn back and see that Sakana-San had seemingly disappeared. "Thank you Sakana-San. I hope we can meet again."
Once again, standing at the gates of Kanpuzan, Yuji called forth into the shadowy realm. "I have returned blessed by the sea to bring an end to despair. Face me, Namahage!" From the soot rose Kurochi, towering over Yuji, "Did you not learn your lesson, boy?" Growled the prince. "this time, you will not survive." The Ogre Prince drew breath and conjured a whirlwind around Yuji. As the wind closed in, Yuji felt the cold grip on his body, expecting to be lifted into the air. However, to his surprise, he did not budge, and the scale armor muted the wind's advance. Kurochi was stunned and prepared to bellow an even bigger hail. Yet, once again, to no avail. Out of the gales, the young boy emerged clad in glimmering hope, shield drawn. "Your magic can no longer hurt me. It's time for you to see what you truly are!" Yuji raised the vibrant shield. "Face me, Namahage!" Kurochi gazed upon the shield, and suddenly, his legs couldn't move. "That Shield... it can't be... Umi Hime... UMI HIME!!!" The Giant Namahage looked to the ground and saw his feet turning into stone. In anger, Kurochi grabbed Yuji and began to squeeze in an attempt to end the young boy's life. Yet, the armor of Sakana-San withstood the force of his powerful grip. "AAAARRRRRGGGHHHH! This intolerable mortal, a mere boy, makes me look weak. You may have the upper hand today, but you will fall like all the rest. You will face my brethren and be broken. BEGONE!!!" Kurochi raised his arm, Yuji in hand, and flung him far from the gates into the wildlands south of Mount Kapuzan. Kurochi sighed in exertion, and suddenly, Two dark figures, one with a face as red as the sun and the other as blue as the night sky, appeared behind Kurochi. "You summoned us, oh great one?" they said in unison. "Yes." broken free of the shield's power, Kurochi turned and extended his hand to the pair. The two looked at his hand and inhaled deeply. "Follow this scent and do what you do best." Kurochi voiced sternly. The pair looked at each other and pulled out their knives, "Looks like the skin is back on the menu," said Red. "Indeed," Blue smiled 😈.
Yuji flew through the air at incredible speed. "I can't... I can't... HEL.." pitch black. Knock knock* "Hello, hey, hey, are you alive?" suddenly, an overpowering white light appeared, putting everything in a daze. With the shape of somebody or something... 'uh... what.. what happened? Wh..where am I?" Yuji said as his vision began to return.
Then, the writer suddenly experienced writer's block but vowed to complete the story one day.
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International Affairs Division CIR/PA | |
Name: | Alex Hennen |
CO: | Akita Prefectural Office: International Affairs Division |
Tel: | 018-860-1218 |
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Prefectural Education Center / Senior High School ALT/ PA | |
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CO: | Akita Prefectural Education Center |
Tel: | 0188-73-7203 ext. 428 |
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Name: | Julia Wheelehan |
CO: | Akita Prefectural Board of Education |
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CO: | Katagami Board of Education |
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Name: | Charles (Charlie) VanBourgondien |
CO: | Akita Prefectural Board of Education |
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