Akita Recontractors Conference 2024

From Akita Wiki

The 2024 Akita recontracting Conference (令和6年再任用者研修会; Reiwa Rokunen Sainin'yōsha Kenshūkai) transitioned to an email due to many requesting the change from prior surveys. This change is tentative and may revert back to in-person in the future.

Recontractors 2024 Email Contents

Greetings everyone,

This year, we have decided not to host a conference for recontractors. That said, we've shared the essential information highlights below for first-year JETs, third-year JETs+, US JETs, and all JETs. Also, we've attached a PDF file that further informs on recontracting procedures. Please read the information that is pertinent to you.

First-Year JETs:

Driver License - If you still need to do so, it is time to upgrade your IDP (International Driver Permit) to a Japanese Driver's License before it expires. The in-depth process can be found here at https://akitajet.com/wiki/Japanese_License_Transition. Please note that the whole licensing process takes time. Two months before your IDP expires may be pushing your luck, especially for those who must take both the written and practical exams. Driving without a license in Japan is a serious offense that can have you face imprisonment of up to three years and a fine of up to 500,000 yen.

Non-US JET Home Country Taxes - You may have to pay taxes depending on where and how long you have lived in your home country. Please check with your country's tax service, ministry, or agency to ensure you are not accidentally committing tax evasion.

Third-Year JETs+:

Visa and Residence Card Renewal - You can start working on your Visa and Residence Card Renewal three months before expiration. The process takes about a month, so don't wait until the last minute. More information on this topic can be found at https://akitajet.com/wiki/Visa_Extension and the attached PDF. If you have any questions, please speak with your CO.

"My Number" Card Renewal - your "My Number" card may be expiring along with your visa, Please speak with your CO about getting it renewed. If you feel comfortable doing so, you can get it renewed yourself at your local municipal office.


Taxes- It is tax season and time to file taxes. Most of you may have heard that the Kumamoto tax guide was discontinued. However, we have carried over the entire tax guide and updated it for 2023. The first-year and non-first-year guides are on the Akita Wiki at https://akitajet.com/wiki/Tax_Guides. Please remember that these guides, while information-heavy and deemed useful by the US JET community, are unofficial and that if you have any questions, please speak with a tax consultant or go to the IRS website at IRS.gov. Don't commit tax evasion.

All JETs:

Disaster Information - Review relevant disaster information. Last year, in July, heavy rain caused significant damage and danger, including flood and landslide damage. Earthquakes have also been occurring frequently. It is important to be prepared at all times. Information can be found here: https://www.aiahome.or.jp/en/pages/page-1488462840-167. Scroll down this page for useful links, including a download of the Disaster Prevention Handbook for Foreign Nationals which has great information to get you started.

Bears - Bear sightings are already on the rise again this year. Information can be found here https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm and at other locations on the web. The bears in Akita are Asiatic Black Bears. Bear spray is a great investment into your own safety if you do a lot of hiking. It is called 熊撃退スプレー (くまげきたいすぷれー) (kuma gekitai spray) in Japanese.

Traffic Accidents, etc. - The PA team has been asked to remind you to always inform your CO as soon as you can if you are in a traffic accident or similar situation. Your CO knows about your personal situation, has important contact information, such as local police, etc., and may have information about important resources for you, such as insurance you can access through work.


The Akita PA Team

See also

Akita Recontractors Conference
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024