Organic lifestyle

From Akita Wiki

Living an organic lifestyle in Akita is possible. This page aims at providing organic options for people living here in Akita.


  • Natural Harmony - Harmonic Trust (Japanese)
    Provides fresh fruit and vegetables delivered to your door. Become a member with this group (1 year contract, ¥5,000) and receive regular fruit/vegetables. You can choose a variety box (S,M,L) and add specific items as you require them.
  • Natural Life Market (Japanese)
    Sells organic packaged foods, skin care products, household products, and clothes, etc. This site has a huge selection of products.
  • Tengu Natural Foods (English and Japanese)
    A mail order service in Japan providing organic, vegetarian foods, environmentally sound cleaning supplies and personal care products to make life a little happier and healthier.

See also

Health / Medical
V • T
Clinics Doctors and dentistsLadies' Health Clinics
(Recommendations by Block: North Block • Capital Block‎ • Yuri Block‎ • South Block)
Medical Health and safety2019 coronavirus disease informationDonating bloodJET Health Insurance from Official JET Website
Counseling JET Online Counseling SystemSupport hotlinesPrefectural Advisor
Lifestyle PA/Support System • Being a Vegetarian in AkitaOrganic lifestyleCulture Shock