Yuri Block Doctor/Dentist Recommendations

From Akita Wiki
IMPORTANT: If you believe that you may have contracted COVID-19 and your symptoms are not immediately life-threatening, do not visit a clinic or hospital. Instead consult with a COVID-19 Consultation Center and follow their instructions.



Some of these clinics include other types of treatment. However, they are listed under clinic recommendations since they have been recommended for their general clinics and not specialty areas.

本荘第一病院 Honjo Daiichi Hospital

  • Address: 秋田県由利本荘市岩渕下110 〒015-8567
  • Phone: 0184-22-0111
  • Taken from Akita Orientation Handbook, listed under Urology. This hospital has a complete staff of specialists. There’s also an English speaking nurse to help with translations if needed.


佐々木産婦人科医院 Sasaki Gynecology

  • Website w/hours
  • Address: 秋田県由利本荘市給人町37-1
  • Phone: 0184-22-2358
  • Not much English, but they have late hours.


斎藤歯科診療所 Saito Dental Clinic

  • Website w/hours
  • Address: 秋田県由利本荘市美倉町47-1
  • Phone: 0184-24-4182
  • Good English.

五味デンタルクリニック Gomi Dental Clinic

  • Website w/hours
  • Address: 〒015-0051 秋田県由利本荘市川口家後79-1
  • Phone: 0184-22-8453
  • Speaks a little English.
Health / Medical
V • T
Clinics Doctors and dentistsLadies' Health Clinics
(Recommendations by Block: North Block • Capital Block‎ • Yuri Block‎ • South Block)
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