Roadside Station - Akita Port

The Roadside Station - Akita Port (道の駅あきた港; Michi no Eki Akitakō), also named Port Oasis Akita (みなとオアシスあきた; Minato Oashisu Akita), is a Roadside Station on the Route 7 in Akita City.
This Roadside Station is also Selion (セリオン) Tower. It is the tallest structure in northern Tohoku.
Things to see
Upon entering the port, you'll see plenty of boats and ships docked. You may also see the Diamond Princess cruise ship (currently not in operation due to the COVID-19 pandemic).
You can take an elevator up the Selion Tower and enjoy an observatory on the 3rd and 5th "floors" that overlook the ocean and Akita city. The tower is open at night time too until 9PM so you can see the city lights.
Next to the tower is a small greenhouse you can walk through.
There is also an open recreation area, where will find a very old Soba and Udon vending machine that was in operation since the 1970's, and claims to be the last one in operation in Japan.
Things to eat

In Selion Tower building is a grilling restaurant that also serves seafood to be grilled. However there is a 300 yen seating charge in addition to your order.
The soft cream specialty is currently their "Udon Soba Vending Machine" Tsuyu flavor.
You can also enjoy the soba and udon vending machine in the building next door for about 280 yen.
Things to do
The Selion Tower building has a farmer's market with a wide variety of local cuisine, especially iburigakko. They will also carry a small variety of Costco food products, so you can pick up some items not found in other local Costco fairs.
On top of foodthings, this roadside station also has handmade goods from woodcrafts to clothing crafts.
〒011-0945 秋田県秋田市土崎港西一丁目9番1号
☎ 018-857-3381
See Also
- MLIT: Roadside Station info (Japanese)
- Driving
Roadside Stations in Akita |
1.Takanosu • 2.Futatsui • 3.Nishime • 4.Yatate Pass • 5.Hachimori • 6.Kazuno • 7.Kamioka • 8.Kotooka • 9.Higashiyuri • 10.Kamikoani • 11.Kisakata • 12.Nakasen • 13.Ogachi • 14.Tennō • 15.Iwaki • 16.Shōwa • 17.Minehama • 18.Sannai • 19.Ōuchi • 20.Ani • 21.Hinai • 22.Gojōme • 23.Shimizunosato Chōkaigō • 24.Karinosato Sennan • 25.Kyōwa • 26.Jūmonji • 27.Ōgata • 28.Akita Port • 29.Kosaka Nanataki • 30.Ōdate-Noshiro Airport • 31.Ugo • 32.Ōyu • 33.Oga |