Halloween Party event procedure

From Akita Wiki

The Halloween Dance Party is the largest and most profitable event of the year. This page (and attached file; created by Wil Lentze) will help you ensure that it is organised correctly and timely. Many volunteers are required to make this event a success. 7 or 8 DJs needed. This event should be held on the Saturday before or on October 31st.

Event timeline

Lead up to event


  • Book the venue.
    Contact the owner Connie (phone number in attached file). Rental in 2013 was ¥70,000.


  • Decide on charity
  • Find DJs
  • Design the poster
    There are many talented people in the community who can help with this.


  • Start advertising the event. Facebook event page, MIXI event page, Akita mailing list, printed event posters, AIU connections, AU, event promotion by Japanese DJs.

Day of event



  • Arrive at venue and bring up gear and lay it out into groups (lights, main room decorations, side and hall decorations, decoration hanging materials). Talk to Conny and show him all the lights. Discuss proceedings of the night and when costume contest begins. Pay Conny rental fee.


  • Set up furniture. 3 volunteers.


  • Set up lights. Conny will help with this. He is good at setting up the charity’s lights to use but we need to guide him with what lighting effect is desired and how/where we want them placed. We have coiled wire to anchor the lights to something if need be. 1 volunteer.


  • Decorations.
    Main room (17:00-20:00) - 3 volunteers, start asap
    Side room, bottom entrance, hallway/staircase, ticket booth (17:00-19:30) - 3 volunteers. Be careful of tape marks on the wall. Use the softest tape we have.
    Hanging decorations (17:00-20:30) - 4 volunteers.


  • Ticket booth (19:30-20:00) - 3 volunteers. Set up on the 2nd floor at the corner in the hallway.
    Ticket booth should be manned from 20:30, but no one enters before 21:00. One person takes money, the other person marks the attendance list. University students must show ID to get discount entry.


  • Set up DJ booth (1 volunteer)



  • Event starts


  • 1st 50/50 and Candy Run


  • 50/50 run


  • Dance performance. Advise Connie 30 mins before it begins.


  • Costume contest


  • 50/50 Draw


  • Candy run


  • Photos. Take many photos, with and without flash.


  • Pack up Ticket booth. 2 volunteers.


  • Clean up. 10+ volunteers. Place decorations on a clean and dry table in ordered piles.


This file is a detailed event procedure form the 2013 Halloween Dance Party. It was created by Wil Lentze.


  • When to find DJs?
  • When to find volunteers?
  • How to decide on charity? When to contact Akita community..

See also

Charity Akita
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