Tatami Parties

From Akita Wiki

Charity Akita (formerly AAJ and Room to Read) holds two tatami Parties throughout the year at prefecture-wide conferences: the first at Akita Orientation and the second at the Skills Development Conference. The Tatami Parties are a chance for JETs to get together, eat, and relax after the day's conference and to spend time with JETs from other parts of the prefectures! Charity Akita often hosts a book swap event in conjunction with the Tatami Party.

Orientation Party History

Year Date Type Ticket Attendance Profits Cause
2016 August 16 Sushi ¥1,000 22 - ¥20,690 n/a
2015 August 17 Non AAJ, non fund raising event.
2014 August 18 Sushi ¥? ? ¥?
2013 August 28 ¥? ? ¥?
2012 August 23 Curry ¥? ? ¥14,405
2011 August 8 Curry ¥? ? ¥? Akita JET Wiki and the Hanabi Magazine
2010 August 12 Curry ¥? 43 ¥42,164 Room to Read International
2009 August 10 ¥? ? ¥?
2008 August 18 Curry ¥? ? ¥74,098
2007 August 16 Pizza & beer ¥2,000 ? ~¥80,000 School project in Nepal

Skills Development Conference Party History

Year Date Type Ticket Attendance Profits Cause
2016 October 24 Taco rice ¥1,500 17 ¥15,640 Akita Frog
2015 October 26 Taco rice ¥1,800 14 ¥9,947 Akita Frog
2014 October 27 Not held
2013 October 28 Sushi ¥1,500 ? ¥? ?
2012 October 18 Sushi ¥? ? ¥13,250 ?
2011 October 13 Curry ¥1,500 ? ¥? ?
2010 October 14 Curry ¥? 60 ¥31,000 Room to Read International
2009 October 15 ¥? ? ¥84,751 ?
2008 October 27 Curry ¥2,000 ? ¥90,208 Room to Read
2007 October 29 Curry ¥2,000 ~80 ¥120,000 Room to Read

See also

Charity Akita
V • T
Group History ALT Charity GroupsRoom to Read (2006-2011) • Akita Association of JETs (2011-2015) • Charity Akita (2016- ) Charity Akita.png
Annual Summaries
by JET Year
RtR: 2010 • AAJ: 20142015
CA: 201620172018201920202021202220232024
Monthly Events English Cafe
Annual Events Welcome PartyBlock CupLake Tazawa CampingHalloween PartyChristmas CarolingAppi Ski TripSt. Patrick's Day PartyInternational Sumo BashoGoodbye Party
Event Procedures Charity Akita Event EquipmentHalloween PartyGoodbye PartyInternational Sumo Basho
Venues SanbōenOrange HouseDreamworldClub AKJamhouseLive space 「四階」CLUB GELAppi Kōgen Ski Resort
Previous /
One-time Events
Spring CarnivalSummer/80s Dance PartiesPub Quiz & Soup Curry NightBlack Hearts Masquerade Cocktail PartyHanami Tea PartySt. Patrick's Day PartyOrientation/SDC Tatami Parties