Charity Akita

From Akita Wiki
Charity Akita

Charity Akita (チャリティ秋田) is a charity fundraising and volunteer organization comprised of ALTs and residents of Akita who strive to create connections between foreign ex-pats and the wider Japanese community. They organize fundraising events for charities, create events to welcome newcomers into Akita prefecture, and seek to work towards grassroots internationalization by forming meaningful relationships.

Board Members

Board members are filled by current members of the JET program. They oversee the function of Charity Akita as a whole.

Year Executive
Treasurer Secretary Social Media
Community &
Charity &
Location Liaison
2024-2025 - - Stephen Fischer - - - -
2023-2024 Sophie Korver Theresia McGrath Tyron Stewart Lydia Stuker Rose Jacques* Aiya Perrine
Year Executive
Treasurer Secretary Social Media
Community &
Charity Liaison
2022-2023 June Kim Stephen Fischer Tyron Stewart Sophie Korver Theresia McGrath Aiya Perrine Crawford Wilson
2021-2022 Amy Lin Erica White Amanda Lockwood
2020-2021 Anthony Madry
2019-2020 Vincent Hsu Danie Manos
2018-2019 Peter Hall Chris Dean Caty Sullivan Aki Regan Asami Jin
Year Executive
Director of
Secretary Social Media
2017-2018 Maeleen Arce Amber Shamma Peter Hall Stephanie Gross* Derek Bonilla
2016-2017 Michael Aubrey Maeleen Arce Jessica Fareri Domonique Owens Joey Griggs Mihoko Kakuta

*Resigned before end of term

Community Representatives

Community Representatives are former ALTs and current Akita residents who work with Charity Akita to provide unique and exciting opportunities for both Foreign Nationals and Japanese Nationals.

Year English Cafe representative
2022-2023 Yuan Xiaoben (Ben)


Sign up for the Charity Akita mailing list to get updates about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities or check out the website at

You can also contact Charity Akita directly at

Monthly Events

  • English Cafe - Not to be mistaken for English Camp hosted by the Akita Board of Education. English Cafe is hosted by Charity Akita with formal ALTs and Expats to create an opportunity for Japanese nationals to meet with English speakers to create a fun and cohesive environment for learning English and sharing experiences.

Annual Events

  • Welcome Party (September)
  • Halloween Dance Party (Late October) - CA's largest fundraising event, roughly 200 people descend on Akita City for a night of costumed revelry.
  • Christmas Caroling (Mid December) - A relatively recent development, JETs gather in from of Akita station for an afternoon to sing Christmas carols for passersby in the hopes of raising money for a nearby orphanage.
  • Appi Ski Trip (February) - Appi Ski Resort in Iwate hosts JETs for a weekend while they show off their skills on the slopes.
  • Block Cup (May-June) - An event where all blocks get together to compete and see which block is the best of the four. It is held at the Athletic Park near Akita Airport.
  • Akita International Sumo Basho (Late June) - The Akita Community's longest-running event, participants from all around Tohoku (ALTs and Japanese) come together to learn about the rules of sumo and get a chance to battle it out in the ring for a chance at the title of Yokozuna.
  • Goodbye Party (July)

Previous Events


To reduce rental costs for the charity events, the following equipment was purchased and is currently owned by all the JETs in Akita. All this equipment was purchased since the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami (mainly by Wil Lentze) and paid for by the events.

Event Procedures

These pages explain how to organise and run the charity events.

See Also

Charity Akita
V • T
Group History ALT Charity GroupsRoom to Read (2006-2011) • Akita Association of JETs (2011-2015) • Charity Akita (2016- ) Charity Akita.png
Annual Summaries
by JET Year
RtR: 2010 • AAJ: 20142015
CA: 201620172018201920202021202220232024
Monthly Events English Cafe
Annual Events Welcome PartyBlock CupLake Tazawa CampingHalloween PartyChristmas CarolingAppi Ski TripSt. Patrick's Day PartyInternational Sumo BashoGoodbye Party
Event Procedures Charity Akita Event EquipmentHalloween PartyGoodbye PartyInternational Sumo Basho
Venues SanbōenOrange HouseDreamworldClub AKJamhouseLive space 「四階」CLUB GELAppi Kōgen Ski Resort
Previous /
One-time Events
Spring CarnivalSummer/80s Dance PartiesPub Quiz & Soup Curry NightBlack Hearts Masquerade Cocktail PartyHanami Tea PartySt. Patrick's Day PartyOrientation/SDC Tatami Parties