Compulsory Education School Ani Gakuen

From Akita Wiki
Ani Gakuen school building
The Ani Gakuen Logo - Stylized roman letters "A" and "G" for Ani Gakuen. The "A" is comprised of three, smaller "A"s, representing the harmony between the three schools which merged to create this one. The shape of the large "A" also represents Mt. Moriyoshi - with the hope that students grow strong like the trees thereon. The "G" also represents the Ani River (the "G" of "Ani-gawa") which surrounds this school.
Name Compulsory Education School Ani Gakuen
Name (Japanese) 北秋田市立義務教育学校阿仁学園
Location Ani, Kitaakita
Telephone ☎ 0186-82-2160
Fax 0186-82-2161
Address (Japanese) 〒018-4611 秋田県北秋田市阿仁水無字上岱13-2
Address 13-2 Animizunashi Azauwadai, Kitaakita-shi, Akita

Compulsory Education School Ani Gakuen, or "Ani Gakuen" for short, is a nine-year school which covers all years of compulsory education (elementary and junior high). This school opened its doors on April 1st, 2023 as a merger of Ani Junior High School, Aniai Elementary School, and Ōani Elementary School.

Its operations were split in its inaugural year; the primary-level curriculum (前期課程, zenki katei; i.e. the elementary school-level curriculum) was taught at the old Ōani ES building, and the secondary-level curriculum (後期課程, kōki katei; i.e. the junior high school-level curriculum) was taught at the old Ani JHS building. The operation of both levels combined at the current building (the former Aniai ES building) starting on April 1st, 2024, after a year of renovations were concluded.

In addition to being the designated school for all residents of the Ani area, Ani Gakuen also accepts incoming first-year students (i.e. elementary school first-grade students) from anywhere in Kitaakita City. As long as students have residence somewhere in Kitaakita City, guardians can elect to send their children to this school, regardless of which elementary school is designated by their area of residence. Students who attend Ani Gakuen are expected to complete the full, nine-year curriculum there, and guardians are expected to participate in school-related events. Ani Gakuen is the only school in Kitaakita City to offer this kind of program.

Merger/Naming History

Year Established
1962 1974 1978 1991 1995 1998 2023
Aniai JHS
Daiichi JHS
Ani Gakuen
Ōani JHS
Daini JHS
Nakamura JHS
Aniai ES
Aniai ES
Aniai ES
Sanmai ES
Arase ES
Fushikage ES
Nekko ES
Ōani ES
Ōani ES
Nakamura ES

ALT History

Year Ani Gakuen
2023-2024 Savannah P. United States of America

School song

友よ ふるさとよ

作詞 大友康二
作曲 菅原良吉

ともよ ふるさとよ

さくし おおともこうじ
さっきょく すがわらりょうきち

Friends! Home!

Words: Kōji Ōtomo
Composition: Ryōkichi Sugawara
(Translation: R. Sean Corrigan)


風光る 阿仁の大地に
夢薫る 友よ あしたよ
若き希望の 熱く燃え
みとせ*の学び 四季を彩る

おお ふるさと 阿仁 わが青春
ふるさとに われら生き      
未来へ 未来へ いのち輝く

かぜひかる あにのだいちに
ゆめかおる ともよ あしたよ
わかきのぞみの あつくもえ
みとせ*のまなび しきをいろどる

おお ふるさと あに わがせいしゅん
ふるさとに われらいき
みらいへ みらいへ いのちかがやく

The winds shine on the plains of Ani
The scent of dreams - friends! - of tomorrow!
Young hopes - burning with fiery passion
Our mi-to-se* study colors the seasons

Ooh, our home, Ani; our youth
In our home we live
To the future, to the future, our lives shine

風詩う 阿仁の流れに
愛豊か 友よ 季節よ
高き理想の はばたきて
みとせ*の集い 永遠にきらめく

おお ふるさと 阿仁 わが賛歌
ふるさとに われら生き
世界へ 世界へ いのち輝く

かぜうたう あにのながれに
あいゆたか ともよ きせつよ
たかきりそうの はばたきて
みとせ*のつどい とわをきらめく

おお ふるさと あに わがろまん
ふるさとに われらいき
せかいへ せかいへ いのちかがやく

The winds sing of the rushing waters of Ani
Filled with love - friends! - the seasons!
Strong ideals - with wings they take flight
Our mi-to-se* gathering will gleam for eternity

Ooh, our home, Ani; our romance
In our home we live
To the world, to the world, our lives shine

* This school song is identical to the Ani Junior High School song, with the exception of the meaning of the word みとせ (mitose), now rendered in hiragana; its original meaning of "three years" (三年; mitose) doesn't fit with this nine-year school. In this version, each character is the initial of one of the three school goals:

み:ずから "oneself"
(自ら学ぶ主体性; the autonomy to study by oneself)
と:もに "together"
(共に高め合う心; the spirit to lift each other together)
せ:いいっぱい "the best of one's ability"
(精一杯やり抜くたくましさ; the resilience to carry through to the best of one's ability)


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See also

Schools in Kitaakita
V • T
High Schools Akita Hokuyō
Junior High Schools TakanosuMoriyoshiAikawa
Elementary Schools TakanosuTakanosu HigashiTsuzurekoSeiyōYonaizawaAikawa
Compulsory Education Schools Ani Gakuen
Other Schools Hinai Special Education School TakanosuAkita Refresh Academy
High Schools TakanosuTakanosu AgriculturalYonaizawaAikawa
Junior High Schools Takanosu MinamiAni
Elementary Schools Takanosu ChūōTakanosu MinamiTakanosu NishiRyūshinTenjinUrataMaedaAniaiŌaniAikawa HigashiAikawa NishiAikawa MinamiAikawa Kita