Hi, friends! 1 - Lesson 7:Hour 3

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Lesson goals: Get used to asking what things are and replying.
Preparation: Picture cards (whole), (black box and things to guess), digital materials, (reflection cards)

Children's activity Teacher's activity Preparation
  • Say hello.
  • Greet the whole class, and then greet a few students individually.
Let's Chant "What's this?" p. 30
  • Listen to the audio and chant.
  • Play the audio and chant together.
Digital materials
Guess what's in the black box
  • Use the phrases "Hint, please" & "I know. It's ~" to guess what's in the box.
  • Get the kids to take turns guessing what's in the box.
  • With the other kids, ask the guessers things like "What's this?"
Black box
Things to guess

How to play

  1. Put something safe to touch in the box.
  2. The volunteer puts their hand inside and tries to guess what the object is.
  3. The class asks the guesser "What's this?". If the guesser doesn't know, they should reply with "Hint, please". If they know, use "I know. It's ~" to answer.

What's that on my back? (drawing game)

  • Guess what card is on your back.
  • Show the class how to play using a demonstration first.

Picture cards (whole, animals, food, fruit, sports)
Cards from the back of the book (animals, food, fruit, sports)

How to play

  1. Get into pairs. Each person should have their own set of cards.
  2. Without showing your partner. Choose one of their cards and tape it to their back.
  3. Move freely around the classroom and when you meet someone, ask for a hint using "Hint, please".
    Hint giver
    • Draw on the person's back with your finger and ask "What's this?"
    • If they guess correctly, repeat it back "Yes, It's ~".
    • If they guess incorrectly, say "Sorry".
    • If you know what your card is, say "I know. It's ~". If you guess correctly, tell the teacher you are finished.
    • If you don't know, say "Thank you" and ask someone else.
  4. If they finish early, give them a new card so they can play again.
Quiz competition
  • In groups, choose any of the quizzes done so far (or any others) and do it in your group.
  • Help out each group with the phrases they need to do their quiz.
Depends on quizzes
  • Reflect back on todays class. Fill out the reflection card.
  • Say goodbye.
  • Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
  • Say goodbye.
Reflection card.


Taken from the version released on April 2, 2012.

目標: ある物が何かを尋ねたり答えたりする表現に慣れ親しむ。
準備: 教師用絵カード(物の全体),(ブラックボックス),(当てる品物),デジタル教材,(振り返りカード)

児童の活動 指導者の活動 準備物
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 全体に挨拶をし,個別に数名の児童に挨拶をする。
【Let's Chant】 "What's this?" p. 30
  • 音声教材を聞き,一緒に言う。
  • 音声教材を聞かせ,一緒に言う。
  • 代表児童は,Hint, please. I know. It's ~. と,ボックスの中の物を答える。
  • 代表児童にボックスの中の物を当てさせる。
  • ほかの児童と一緒に,代表児童にWhat's this? などと尋ねる。
③ほかの児童は,What's this? と尋ね,代表児童は,何かわからない場合に Hint, please.
  とヒントを求める。わかった場合は,I know. It's ~. と答えを言う。
④ヒントを求める言い方Hint, please. や,答えがわかったときの言い方I know. などの言い方
  • 代表児童とデモンストレーションをし,やり方を理解させる。
③児童は,教室を自由に移動し,出会った友達に,Hint, please.と言って,ヒントを手がかかりに
  自分の背中のカードの絵が何かを当てる。答えがわかったら,I know. It's ~. と答えを言う。
  当たったら指導者に報告してあがり。不正解のときは,Thank you. と挨拶をして,他の児童にヒント
④教える児童は,ヒントを言って,What's this? と尋ねる。
  • これまでに行ったクイズやほかのクイズなどから,グループごとに選んでクイズの準備をする。
  • 各グループを回り,ヒントの出し方などについて支援する。
  • 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 児童の話し合いや,英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
  • 挨拶をする。


  • それが何か尋ねたり答えたりしている。【慣】<行動観察・振り返りカード点検>

See also

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9
Book 1

1 2

1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

Book 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4-5 6

1 2 3 4
