Lesson goals: Encourage a desire to ask and answer things that you want with another person.
Preparation: Picture cards (food), digital materials, (reflection cards), picture cards from the back of the book (food)
Children's activity
Teacher's activity
- Greet the whole class, then greet a few students individually.
(Let's Chant) "What would you like?" p. 37
- Listen to the recording and sing along.
- Have the students listen to the recording and sing along while showing them the picture cards.
- Answer the question with different foods.
Digital materials
(Activity 2) p. 40
- Listen to the recording and confirm which school lunch is which.
- Answer the teacher’s question with "I'd like ___," inserting what food the student wants.
- Make pairs. Make an original school lunch by picking one item from each school lunch in the textbook. Ask and answer with, "What would you like?" "I'd like ___."
- Have the students listen to the recording and confirm which school lunch comes from which country. Ask a few students which school lunch they would like with "What would you like?"
- Have the students use "What would you like?" "I'd like___," to make original school lunches in pairs.
※evaluation 1
Digital materials
○ "Let's make a special lunch!"
- Each student thinks about what lunch he or she will make beforehand.
- Divide into customers and shopkeepers and, using the cards from the back of the textbook, make a special lunch.
- Each student gives his or her lunch a name and explains what makes it special within the group.
- One student comes to the front and presents his or her lunch to the whole class.
- Divide the class into customers and shopkeepers and have them make special lunches using "What would you like?" "I'd like ___."
- You may have them make cards for foods not already among the cards at the back of the textbook.
- Have them think about things like nutritional balance that they have learned in their home economics classes. Bear in mind to have them do the activity mindful of the other students.
- When the students explain their lunches, praise them for its good points and have the other students voice their opinions.
- Have one student present his or her lunch to the whole class.
Textbook cards (food)
- Reflect back on today's class. Fill out the reflection card.
- Say goodbye.
- Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
- Say goodbye.
Reflection card.
※Evaluation standard: Whether or not the students were able to ask and respond politely to their partners' wishes.
Taken from the version released on March 27, 2012.
目標: 相手意識をもって,丁寧な言い方で欲しいものを尋ねたり答えたりしようとする。
準備: 教師用絵カード(食べ物),デジタル教材,(振り返りカード),巻末児童用絵カード(食べ物:p.53, 55)
【Let's Chant】 "What would you like?" p. 37
- 音声教材を聞かせ,絵カードを見せながら一緒に言う。
- 児童の実態に応じ,食べ物を替えて言う。
【Activity 2】p. 40
- 音声教材を聞いて,給食を確認する。
- 指導者の質問に自分が欲しいものを I'd like ~. で答える。
- ペアになり,誌面にあるそれぞれの給食の中から欲しいものを1品ずつ選んで What would you like? I'd like ~. のやり取りをしてオリジナル給食を考える。
- 音声教材を聞かせ,それぞれの国の給食を確認しながら,その中で欲しいものを数名の児童にWhat would you like? で尋ねる。
- ペアでWhat would you like? I'd like ~. のやり取りをさせながらオリジナル給食を作らせる。
- 各自どんなランチを作るか事前に考える。
- 店員と客に分かれ,巻末児童用絵カードをやり取りしてスペシャルランチを作る。
- 自分のランチに名前をつけ,その特徴などを含め,グループ内でランチを紹介する。
- 代表児童がみんなの前でメニューを紹介する。
- 店員と客に分かれさせ,What would you like? I'd like ~. のやり取りでスペシャルランチを作らせる。
- 巻末児童用絵カードにない食べ物カードを作らせてもよい。
- 家庭科で学習した栄養バランスを考えたり,誰かのことを考えたりしてランチを作るなど,学級の実態に合わせて相手意識のある活動になるよう心がける。
- 児童のランチの紹介に対して,よい点をほめたり他の児童に感想を言わせたりする。
- 代表児童にみんなの前でランチを紹介させる。
- 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
- 挨拶をする。
- 児童の英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
- 挨拶をする。
- 欲しいものについて丁寧な表現で,相手意識をもって尋ねたり答えたりしている。【コ】<行動観察・振り返りカード点検>
See also