Children's activity
Teacher's activity
- Greet the whole class, then greet a few students individually.
(Let's Play 1)
- Play the "Three Hint Quiz" (see Hi, Friends! Teachers' Manual p.29.)
- Listen to the three hints in English said by the instructors and answer with the correct school subject.
- Understand how to say each school subject.
- Give three hints in English about a school subject.
- If they don't understand from just the hints, add in gestures and/or show them teacher picture cards from the previous lesson (Lesson 7).
Teachers' Picture Cards (to have around you: Lesson 7 / school subjects) Digital Materials
○Play the "Pointing Game." p.32,33 (see Hi, Friends! Teachers' Manual p.23)
- Find the subjects said by the instructors and point to them in the textbook.
- Say the subjects that are in the textbook.
- After they have all pointed to the subject in their textbooks, confirm by showing them the teachers' Picture Card. Repeat a number of times based on how fast they move.
Teachers' Picture Cards (school subjects) Digital Materials
○Play the "Card Taking Game." (see Hi, Friends! Teachers' Manual p.31)
- Make pairs, prepare one set of cards from the back of the book per pair, and lay them face-up on their desks.
- Take the school subject cards as the instructors say them.
- Have them prepare their cards from the textbook.
- In random order say "I study ___," and insert a subject.
- Once they get used to it, say "I study ___ and ___," and insert two subjects.
Cards from the textbook (school subjects)
(Let's Listen 1) p. 32, 33
- Listen to the class schedule from the digital materials and write the subjects in Japanese in their textbooks.
- Next, listen to the schedule said by the instructors and answer the correct day of the week.
- Understand how to say the days of the week.
- Have them listen to the digital materials and write the subjects in the columns in their textbooks.
- Pick a day of the week from the actual schedule in their classroom, say "I study ___, ___ and ___," and ask which day it is.
- Show them the teachers' picture cards and have them understand how to say the days of the week.
Teachers' Picture Cards (days of the week) Digital Materials
(Let's Sing) "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday"
- Listen to the audio matierals and sing while looking at the teachers' picture cards.
- Have them listen to the audio matierals and sing along while showing them the teachers' picture cards.
Teachers' Picture Cards (days of the week)
Digital Materials
- Reflect back on todays class. Fill out the reflection card.
- Say goodbye.
- Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
- Say goodbye.
Reflection card.
Taken from the version released on April 2, 2012.
【Let's Play 1】
- スリーヒントクイズをする。
(指導編Hi, friends! 1 p. 29参照)
- 指導者が言う英語の3つのヒントを聞き,何の教科かを答える。
- 教科などの言い方を知る。
- 教科に関する3つのヒントを英語で出す。
- ヒントだけでわからないときには,その教科に関係するジェスチャーをまじえたり,前単元(Lesson 7)で使用した教師用絵カードを提示したりする。
教師用絵カード(身の回りの物:Lesson 7・教科など) デジタル教材
○ポインティングゲームをする。p. 32, 33 (指導編Hi, friends 1 p.23参照)
- 誌面にある教科などを言う。
- 児童の様子を見ながら何度も聞かせ,児童全員が絵をさし示した後に,教師用絵カードを提示して確認する。
教師用絵カード(教科など) デジタル教材
○カード取りゲームをする。 (指導編Hi, friends 2 p. 31参照)
- ペアで巻末児童用絵カード1組を準備し,机上に表向きに並べる。
- 指導者が言う教科などのカードを取る。
- 巻末児童用絵カードを準備させる。
- I study ~. と,順不同に教科などを言う。
- 児童が慣れてきたら,I study ~ and ~. と,言う教科などを2つにする。
【Let's Listen 1】p. 32, 33
- 音声教材で時間割を聞き,誌面に教科名を日本語で書く。
- 次に,指導者が言う時間割を聞いて何曜日かを答える。
- 曜日の言い方を知る。
- 音声教材を聞かせ,誌面の欄に教科名を書かせる。
- 教室にある学級の時間割を使って,ある曜日の教科などをI study ~, ~, and ~. と言い,何曜日かを尋ねる。
- 教師用絵カードを提示しながら,曜日の言い方を知らせる。
教師用絵カード(曜日) デジタル教材
【Let's Sing】 "Sunday, Monday, Tuesday" p. 34
- 音声教材を聞かせ,教師用絵カードを見せながら一緒に歌う。
教師用絵カード(曜日) デジタル教材
- 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
- 挨拶をする。
- 児童の英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
- 挨拶をする。
See also