Hi, friends! 2 - Lesson 1:Hour 4

From Akita Wiki
Children's activity Teacher's activity Preparation
  • Say hello.
  • Greet the whole class, then greet a few students individually.
(Let's Chant) Option ➁~➃ "a, b, c" (Same rhythm as Hi, friends! 1 Lesson 5 "A, B, C")
  • Listen to the materials and say the words along with the picture cards.
  • Students listen to the materials and then say together while looking at the picture cards.
Picture cards (lower case alphabet)
Digital materials
Make Pairs Game
  • Kids prepare the cards
  • Both students will pick 10 cards (without showing their partner) and then explain the game.
Picture cards (lower case alphabet)
Way to play Make Pairs Game
➀ Make pairs.
➁ One of the students will pick 10 of the cards that they like, not letting their partner
   see which one they are holding. The remaining cards are put face down.
➂ To figure out which cards are the same, the students will alternately ask
   "Do you have 'a'?" "Yes, I do./No, I don't."
➃ If they are holding the same card, make a pair and put them on the desk.
➄ Repeat with the other cards in your hand. The student with the most pairs is the winner.
Go Fish!
  • Kids prepare the cards
  • One group of 4 will demonstrate the game and then check for understanding.
Picture cards (lower case)
Way to play Go Fish!
➀ Make groups of 4 and combine two students alphabet cards (52 cards total)
➁ Students sit around one desk. Each student should be passed 5 cards and the rest of the
   cards placed in the center of the desk.
➂ If you have pairs from the beginning, put them on your desk.
➃ Decide the order, then 1 student will pick one of the other three, decide on a card that
   they want and ask, "Do you have ~?"
➄ If the student has that card they say, "Yes, I do. Here you are." and pass the card. The student
   who received the card then makes a pair and puts the pair on the desk. If the student does not
   have that card they say "Go fish!" and the student must take a card from the middle pile.
➅ The next student goes and the game continues in this way. The first student to have no cards in
   their hand is the winner.
Activity 2 p. 4, 5
  • From the picture, decide on one of the signs.
  • Make groups and ask each other "Do you have ~?" "Yes, I do./No, I don't". In a quiz format introduce the signs.
  • Similar to the previous time, the students will do the alphabet picking game.
  • After the activity, if there is time, try play against other groups' alphabet picking/quiz.
Digital materials
  • Reflect back on today's class. Fill out the reflection card.
  • Say goodbye.
  • Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
  • Say goodbye.
Reflection card.


Taken from the version released on April 2, 2012.

児童の活動 指導者の活動 準備物
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 全体に挨拶をし,個別に数名の児童に挨拶をする。
【Let's Chant】オプション②~④"a, b, c" (Hi, friends! 1 Lesson 5 "A, B, C"のチャンツのリズムで)
  • 音声教材を聞き,教師用カードを見ながら言う。
  • 教師用カードをアルファベット順に黒板に貼り,音声教材を聞かせ,一緒に言う。
○Make pairsゲームをする。
  • 各児童は,巻末児童用カードを準備する。
  • ペアの相手に見せないように巻末児童用カードから10枚選ばせ,ゲームの内容を説明する。
【Make pairs ゲームの進め方】
③自分と同じカードを相手が持っているか,Do you have “a”? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. で交互に尋ねる。
  • 巻末児童用カードを準備する。
  • 4人の児童でデモンストレーションをして,児童にゲームの仕方を理解させる。
④順番を決め,1番の人がほかの3人のうち1人を指名して欲しいアルファベットをDo you have ~? と尋ねる。
⑤尋ねられた児童は,持っていればYes, I do. Here you are. と,1番の人に渡し,中央の積まれたカードから,
 1枚を取る。持っていなければ,Go fish! と言い,1番の人が中央の積まれたカードから1枚を取る。
【Activity 2】p. 4, 5
  • 誌面から,自分のアルファベット表示を1つ決める。
  • グループになり, Do you have ~? Yes, I do./No, I don’t. と尋ね合ってクイズ形式でアルファベット表示を紹介し合う。
  • 前時に指導者対児童で行ったアルファベット表示を当てる活動を児童どうしで行わせる。
  • 活動後,時間に余裕があれば,グループ対抗のクイズにしたり,代表児童のアルファベット表示を当てたりする。
  • 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
  • 挨拶をする。
  • 児童の英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
  • 挨拶をする。

See also

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9
Book 1

1 2

1 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4

Book 2

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4-5 6

1 2 3 4
