Lesson goals: Get used to saying what you want and asking what others want in a polite way.
Preparation: Picture cards (food), digital materials, (reflection cards), cards from the back of the book (food) (pre-cutting is a good idea).
Children's activity
Teacher's activity
- Greet the whole class, then greet a few students individually.
(Let's Listen 2) p. 37
- Listen to the recording, determine what foods did Sakura's mother and father order, and circle them.
- Have the students listen to the recording an remember the phrase "What would you like?"
Digital materials
(Let's Chant) p. 37
- Listen to the recording and sing along.
- Have the students listen to the recording and sing along while showing them the picture cards.
- Answer the question with different foods.
Teacher picture cards (food) Digital materials
○ Bingo Game (Refer to Hi, friends! Teacher's Manual p. 30)
- Arrange the cards from the back of the textbook in a three-by-three grid on their desks.
- Ask the teacher "What would you like?" and, if they have it in the grid, flip the answer card over.
- The same bingo game as last time, except this time use "What would you like?" and "I'd like ___."
- Have the students ask questions using "What would you like?" Respond with "I'd like ___," and insert a food.
Textbook picture cards (food)
○ Find-a-friend Game
- Do a demonstration with a student and have them understand the rules.
Textbook picture cards (food)
[Find-a-friend Game rules] 1) Each student takes five cards and walks around the room. 2) Do rock-paper-scissors with other students. The loser asks "What would you like?" The winner says "I'd like ___," and says any food they would like. 3) If he or she has any, the loser says "Here you are," and hands over all cards of that food. The loser then receives from the winner a number of cards equal to the cards he or she just handed over. If the loser doesn't have any, say "Sorry." 4) The first student to get all five of their cards the same in the allotted time wins the game. ※evaluation
- Reflect back on todays class. Fill out the reflection card.
- Say goodbye.
- Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
- Say goodbye.
Reflection card.
※Evaluation standard
- Whether the students were able to ask and respond with polite language.
Taken from the version released on March 27, 2012.
目標: 丁寧な言い方で欲しいものを尋ねたり言ったりする表現に慣れ親しむ。
準備: 教師用絵カード(食べ物),デジタル教材,(振り返りカード),巻末児童用絵カード(食べ物:p.53, 55 あらかじめ切り分けさせておくとよい)
【Let's Listen 2】p. 37
- 音声教材を聞いて,さくらの父,母がそれぞれ注文した食べ物を選んで,絵に〇をつける。
- 音声教材を聞かせ,What would you like? の表現を思い出させる。
【Let's Chant】"What would you like?" p. 37
- 音声教材を聞かせ,教師用絵カードを見せながら一緒に言う。
- 児童の実態に応じ,食べ物を替えて言う。
教師用絵カード(食べ物) デジタル教材
〇ビンゴゲームをする。 (指導編Hi, friends! 2 p. 30 参照)
- 巻末児童用絵カードを机の上に3列×3列に並べる。
- 指導者にWhat would you like? と質問し,指導者が答える食べ物があればそのカードを裏返す。
- 前時に行ったビンゴゲームを,今回はWhat would you like? I'd like ~. を使って行わせる。
- 児童にWhat would you like? と質問させ,I'd like ~. と食べ物を答える。
- 代表児童とデモンストレーションをし,やり方を理解させる。
【仲間さがしゲームの進め方】 ①各児童は,巻末児童用絵カードから選んだ5枚を持ち,教室内を自由に移動する。 ②出会った友だちとじゃんけんをし,負けた方がWhat would you like? と尋ね,勝った方は自分が欲しい食べ物をI'd like ~. と言って求める。 ③その食べ物があれば,Here you are. と言ってそのカードをすべて渡し,代わりに渡した枚数分,相手からカードをもらう。なければ,Sorry. と言って別れる。 ④時間内に1種類のカードをたくさん集めた児童が勝ちとなる。 ※評価
- 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
- 挨拶をする。
- 児童の英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
- 挨拶をする。
- 丁寧な言い方で欲しいものを尋ねたり言ったりしている。【慣】<行動観察・振り返りカード点検>
See also