Lesson goals: Learn about various foods from around the world. Get used to saying and asking for things that you want.
Preparation: Picture cards (food), digital materials, (reflection cards)
Children's activity
Teacher's activity
- Greet the whole class, then greet a few students individually.
(Let's Chant) "What would you like?" p. 37
- Listen to the recording and sing along.
- Have the students listen to the recording and sing along while showing them the picture cards.
- Answer the question with different foods.
Digital materials
(Activity 1) p. 38, 39
- Interact with the instructors and make a lunch. In groups talk about what lunch to make and circle those items in the textbook.
- Each group stands in front of class. The instructor asks "What would you like?" The students respond with "I'd like ___," and put the cards for them on the blackboard. The group then explains why they chose these items. Other groups watch and give their opinions.
- Calculate the calories of the lunch.
- Have the students talk in groups and come up with a healthy lunch. Tell them that, according to p. 39 of the textbook, a healthy lunch is about 700 calories. Have them refer to that and come up with a lunch selection around 700 calories. (According to their needs, groups coming up with healthy lunches, balanced lunches, or other kinds of lunches is okay too)
- When a group decides on their menu, call them to the front, and ask "What would you like?" Have them respond "I'd like ___," and hand over the teacher picture cards.
- Afterward, have them calculate and present the total calorie count of their lunch.
- What is important is not that they come up with a "proper" calorie count, but that they correctly calculate the total calories.
※evaluation 1
Teacher picture cards (food) Digital materials
(Activity 2) p. 40
- Guess which school lunch comes from which country and state the reason why.
- Listen to the recording of which school lunch comes from which country and fill in numbers in the boxes.
- Have the students examine the characteristics of the four school lunches, urge them to notice the differences, and ask them which countries the students think they come from.
- To confirm their guesses, have them listen to the recording and check their answers.
- Have them understand that the school lunches in the textbook are just examples, and that each country has many different kinds of school lunches.
※evaluation 2
Digital materials
- Reflect back on todays class. Fill out the reflection card.
- Say goodbye.
- Praise children about their attitude and use of English.
- Say goodbye.
Reflection card.
※Evaluation standards
- ①: whether or not the students ask and respond with polite language.
- ②: whether they realize that there are many different kinds of food all over the world.
Taken from the version released on March 27, 2012.
目標: 世界には様々な料理があることを知り,丁寧な言い方で欲しいものを尋ねたり言ったりする表現に慣れ親しむ。
準備: 教師用絵カード(食べ物),デジタル教材,(振り返りカード)
【Let's Chant】"What would you like?" p. 37
- 音声教材を聞かせ,絵カードを見せながら一緒に言う。
- 児童の実態に応じ,食べ物を替えて言う。
(Activity 1) p. 38, 39
- 【Activity 1】p. 38, 39
- 指導者とやり取りをして,ランチを作る。グループで,どんなメニューを作るか話し合い,誌面メニューの食べ物の中で注文するものを○で囲むなどする。
- グループごと前に出て,指導者とWhat would you like? I'd like ~. のやり取りを行い,受け取った教師用絵カードを黒板に貼る。作ったグループの児童は,どんな視点でメニューを考えたかを説明し,他の児童はできたメニューを見て,感想を発表する。
- 作ったメニューの合計カロリーを計算する。
- グループで話し合って,ヘルシーメニューを作らせる。誌面メニュー p. 39 に示された「ヘルシーメニュー」がほぼ700キロカロリーであることを伝え,これを参考に700キロカロリーのメニューを考えさせる。(児童の実態に応じて,ヘルシーメニューやバランスメニューなど,様々なメニュー作りの視点を与え,その目的に沿ったメニュー作りをさせてもよい。)
- メニューが決まったら,グループごと前に呼び,What would you like? I'd like ~. のやり取りで,求められた教師用絵カードを渡す。
- 最後に,注文した各食べ物のカロリーを発表し,自分たちのメニューのカロリーを計算させる。
- カロリーはランチの良し悪しの基準ではなく参考として計算させる。
教師用絵カード(食べ物) デジタル教材
【Activity 2】p. 40
- それぞれの給食が,どこの国のものか予想する。予想した理由も発表する。
- 音声教材を聞いて,給食がそれぞれどこの国のものか聞き取り,□に番号を記入する。
- 4種類の給食の特徴に触れ,その違いについて気付きを促し,それぞれが4カ国のうちどこのものだと思うか尋ねる。
- 予想を確かめるため,音声教材を聞かせ,答えを確認する。
- 誌面の給食は,その国の1例であり同じ国でも様々な給食があることに触れる。
- 本時の活動をふり返る。振り返りカードに記入する。
- 挨拶をする。
- 児童の英語を使おうとする態度でよかったところをほめる。
- 挨拶をする。
- ①丁寧な言い方で欲しいものを尋ねたり言ったりしている。【慣】<行動観察・振り返りカード点検>
- ②世界には様々な料理があることに気付いている。【気】<行動観察・振り返りカード分析>
See also